Sociology of Art provides students with an introduction to the fundamental theories and debates in the sociology of art, using extracts from the core foundational and most influential contemporary writers in the field. The book is divided into five sections exploring key themes in the sociology and social history of art. These are: classical sociological theory and the sociology of art the social production of art the sociology of the artist museums and the social construction of high culture sociology aesthetic form and the specificity of art. With the addition of an introductory essay that not only contextualises the readings within the traditions of sociology and art history, but which also draws fascinating parallels between the origins and development of these two disciplines, this book opens up a productive interdisciplinary dialogue between sociology and art history as well as providing a fascinating introduction to the subject. This book will be essential reading both for students of the sociology of art and for students of art history.
刻意练习:民谣与指弹吉他基础教程 本书特色 本书是一本以教授民谣吉他(含指弹)演奏技巧与乐理为主要内容的入门教材,读者对象可以是“零基础&rdquo...
信阳民歌音乐结构研究 本书特色 韩冰、黄铁成编著的《信阳民歌音乐结构研究》是“淮河文化研究文库”系列之一,主要内容包括:疏影横斜——多姿的乐句种类;新芽吐翠——...
吉他自学基础教程 内容简介 本书分“理论部分”、“流行在线”、“经典新编专业用谱”与“国外经典”四个部分。每个部分都各有特色,其中“理论部分”采用浅显易懂的语言...
《小学生漫画高情商(全3册)》内容简介:◆人缘好有秘籍,乐观开朗超积极! ◆漫画还原75个孩子在生活中可能会遇到的心理困境,让
重冈已隔红尘断:元散曲合集 本书特色 元曲是由词变化而来的,同其他的艺术之花一样,一经出现,便显示出旺盛的生命力。其作品,以题材的广阔、语言的通俗、形式的活泼、...
少年儿童电子琴初级教程-(新版) 内容简介 电子琴以其丰富的音色,多变的节奏,较容易掌握的演奏方法,赢得了广大群众的喜爱。为了满足广大群众,特别是少年儿童学习的...