Between Han and Tang: Religious Art and Archaeology in a Transformative Period 3rd-6th Cent. C.E.
The first conference on religious art was held in Nov. 1999. The second conference, on art and cultural interaction, will be held in China at Peking University in July 2000. The papers from the first conference will be published by Wenwu Press and will hopefully be available at this summer's conference. I include a preliminary list of the contents of this volume for your information. The papers will be in both Chinese and English with translated abstracts.
Part One: Archaeological Investigation and Research of Regional Sites
Chen Ping (Shanghai Museum): "Results of examinations of small and medium-sized cave sites in Henan province" (in Chinese)
Li Yuqun (Institute of Archaeology, CASS): "Examination and research on small-scale cave sites of the Northern Dynasties in Shanxi" (in Chinese) Zhang Zong (Institute of World Religion, CASS): "Survey of new discoveries in Buddhist art in Shandong from the Northern Dynasties and Sui" (in Chinese)
Sun Hua (School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University), "A study of Buddhist and Daoist Images on the Pingyang Fujun pillars in Sichuan (in Chinese)
Xiong Wenbin (Center for Tibetan Studies): "Cliff carvings of the early Tibetan Bon religion between the Han and Tang" (in Chinese)
Part Two: On Cross Roads -- Buddhist Art in Xinjiang and the Hexi Corridor
Li Li (Kucha Caves Research Institute): "Small and medium-sized caves in the Kucha region of Xinjiang" (in Chinese)
Wu Zhuo (Institute of History, CASS): "On the rise and decline of the Kizil caves and the Weigan River valley transportation route" (in Chinese)
Li Chongfeng (School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University): "The subject of principal images in central-pillar caves at Kizil and some related questions" (in Chinese)
Angela F. Howard (Rutgers University): "Liang patronage of Buddhist art in the Gansu Corridor during the fourth century and the transformation of a Central Asian style" (In English)
Part Three Temple, Grotto, and Icon
Eugene Y. Wang (Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University): "Grotto-shrine as chronotope and the working of analogous iconography - The sixth-century sculptural program in Cave 38 at Yungang in perspective" (In English)
Katherine R. Tsiang (Department of Art History, University of Chicago): "Disjunctures of time, text, and imagery in reconstructions of the Guyang Cave at Longmen" (In English)
Li Li (Cultural Relics Publishing House): "The artistic and period characteristics of sculptures found at the Yongning Pagoda in Luoyang" (in Chinese)
Jin Weinuo (Department of Art History, Central Institute of Fine Arts): "Artistic Achievements of Buddhist sculpture from the Longxingsi in Qingzhou -- On the Qingzhou style and the Northern QiCao School," (in Chinese)
Luo Shiping (Department of Art History, Central Institute of Fine Arts): "Southern Dynasties images in Sichuan and related questions" (in Chinese)
Part Four: Patronage, Identity, and Regional Tradition
Wu Hung (Department of Art History, University of Chicago): "Regional archaeology and the visual culture of Wudoumi' Daoism" (in Chinese) Stanley Abe (Department of Art and Art History, Duke University): "Northern Wei sculpture from Shaanxi province: Provenance, patronage, desire" (in Chinese)
Ning Qiang (Department of History of Art, University of Michigan): "Patrons of the three Northern Liang Caves at Dunhuang and related problems" (In English)
Dorothy Wong (Department of Art, University of Virginia): "Women patronage of Chinese Buddhist art during the Northern and Southern Dynasties" (In English)
Notices: Early Medieval China ... Early Medieval China Group Homepage
Between Han and Tang: Religious Art and Archaeology in a Transformative Period 3rd-6th Cent. C.E.
The first conference on religious art was held in Nov. 1999. The second conference, on art and cultural interaction, will be held in China at Peking University in July 2000. The papers from the first conference will be published by Wenwu Press and will hopefully be available at this summer's conference. I include a preliminary list of the contents of this volume for your information. The papers will be in both Chinese and English with translated abstracts.
Part One: Archaeological Investigation and Research of Regional Sites
Chen Ping (Shanghai Museum): "Results of examinations of small and medium-sized cave sites in Henan province" (in Chinese)
Li Yuqun (Institute of Archaeology, CASS): "Examination and research on small-scale cave sites of the Northern Dynasties in Shanxi" (in Chinese) Zhang Zong (Institute of World Religion, CASS): "Survey of new discoveries in Buddhist art in Shandong from the Northern Dynasties and Sui" (in Chinese)
Sun Hua (School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University), "A study of Buddhist and Daoist Images on the Pingyang Fujun pillars in Sichuan (in Chinese)
Xiong Wenbin (Center for Tibetan Studies): "Cliff carvings of the early Tibetan Bon religion between the Han and Tang" (in Chinese)
Part Two: On Cross Roads -- Buddhist Art in Xinjiang and the Hexi Corridor
Li Li (Kucha Caves Research Institute): "Small and medium-sized caves in the Kucha region of Xinjiang" (in Chinese)
Wu Zhuo (Institute of History, CASS): "On the rise and decline of the Kizil caves and the Weigan River valley transportation route" (in Chinese)
Li Chongfeng (School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University): "The subject of principal images in central-pillar caves at Kizil and some related questions" (in Chinese)
Angela F. Howard (Rutgers University): "Liang patronage of Buddhist art in the Gansu Corridor during the fourth century and the transformation of a Central Asian style" (In English)
Part Three Temple, Grotto, and Icon
Eugene Y. Wang (Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University): "Grotto-shrine as chronotope and the working of analogous iconography - The sixth-century sculptural program in Cave 38 at Yungang in perspective" (In English)
Katherine R. Tsiang (Department of Art History, University of Chicago): "Disjunctures of time, text, and imagery in reconstructions of the Guyang Cave at Longmen" (In English)
Li Li (Cultural Relics Publishing House): "The artistic and period characteristics of sculptures found at the Yongning Pagoda in Luoyang" (in Chinese)
Jin Weinuo (Department of Art History, Central Institute of Fine Arts): "Artistic Achievements of Buddhist sculpture from the Longxingsi in Qingzhou -- On the Qingzhou style and the Northern QiCao School," (in Chinese)
Luo Shiping (Department of Art History, Central Institute of Fine Arts): "Southern Dynasties images in Sichuan and related questions" (in Chinese)
Part Four: Patronage, Identity, and Regional Tradition
Wu Hung (Department of Art History, University of Chicago): "Regional archaeology and the visual culture of Wudoumi' Daoism" (in Chinese) Stanley Abe (Department of Art and Art History, Duke University): "Northern Wei sculpture from Shaanxi province: Provenance, patronage, desire" (in Chinese)
Ning Qiang (Department of History of Art, University of Michigan): "Patrons of the three Northern Liang Caves at Dunhuang and related problems" (In English)
Dorothy Wong (Department of Art, University of Virginia): "Women patronage of Chinese Buddhist art during the Northern and Southern Dynasties" (In English)
Notices: Early Medieval China ... Early Medieval China Group Homepage
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