Erwin Panofsky's Perspective as Symbolic Form is one of the great works of modern intellectual history, the legendary text that has dominated all art historical and philosophical discussions on the topic of perspective in this century. Finally available in English, it is an unrivaled example of Panofsky's early method that placed him within broader developments in theories of knowledge and cultural change. Here, drawing on a massive body of learning that ranges over Antique philosophy, theology, science, and optics as well as the history of art, Panofsky produces a type of "archaeology" of Western representation that far surpasses the usual scope of art historical studies.
Perspective in Panofsky's hands becomes a central component of a Western "will to form," the expression of a schema linking the social, cognitive, psychological, and especially technical practices of a given culture into harmonious and integrated wholes. Yet the perceptual schema of each historical culture or epoch is different, and each gives rise to a different but equally full vision of the world. Panofsky articulates these different spatial systems, demonstrating their particular coherence and compatibility with the modes of knowledge, belief, and exchange that characterized the cultures in which they arose. Our own modernity, Panofsky shows, is characterized by its peculiarly mathematical expression of the concept of the infinite, within a space that is necessarily both continuous and homogeneous.
近代编-历代曲话汇编-新编中国古典戏曲论著集成-第三集 本书特色 《历代曲话汇编:新编中国古典戏曲论著集成(近代编)(第3集)》是由黄山书社出版的。近代编-历代...
民谣吉他新教程 内容简介 这本《民谣吉他新教程》是我们这一年汗水的结晶,它反映了近年来我们在吉他教学中的新思路:一、吉他弹唱应该把提高伴奏技巧放在首要位置。为此...
声乐曲选集。外国作品,4 内容简介 全国高等师范院校试用教材《声乐曲选集》(共六册,其中有中国作品三册,外国作品三册)自1986年陆续出版以来深受师范院校艺术院...
吕文成广东音乐曲集 内容简介 吕文成自幼对音乐有特殊兴趣,十多岁即与同道中人潜心学艺。由于资质聪慧,勤奋苦学,并善于发现众人之所长,广采博纳,故能迅速成长,青年...
音乐理论练习册-(全三册) 本书特色 ★ 16开平装,广西师范大学出版社出版★ 适用于以统称“四大件”的和声学、对位法、曲式学以及配器法为核心构架的作曲技术理论...
大提琴基础练习曲170首:第二册 本书特色 德国(美国)大提琴家C.Schroder所编《大提琴基础练习170首》,被世界上许多同行作为基础教程。该教材选材精练...
二胡名曲精选30首 内容简介 本书是从多家二胡考级曲目中精选的1-10级30首独奏曲,包括了从**把位演奏的《田园春色》,到多次转调、技巧复杂的《阳光照耀着塔什...