This is an introductory textbook on probability and induction written by one of the world's foremost philosophers of science. The book has been designed to offer maximal accessibility to the widest range of students (not only those majoring in philosophy) and assumes no formal training in elementary symbolic logic. It offers a comprehensive course covering all basic definitions of induction and probability, and considers such topics as decision theory, Bayesianism, frequency ideas, and the philosophical problem of induction. The key features of the book are: * A lively and vigorous prose style* Lucid and systematic organization and presentation of the ideas* Many practical applications* A rich supply of exercises drawing on examples from such fields as psychology, ecology, economics, bioethics, engineering, and political science* Numerous brief historical accounts of how fundamental ideas of probability and induction developed.* A full bibliography of further reading Although designed primarily for courses in philosophy, the book could certainly be read and enjoyed by those in the social sciences (particularly psychology, economics, political science and sociology) or medical sciences such as epidemiology seeking a reader-friendly account of the basic ideas of probability and induction. Ian Hacking is University Professor, University of Toronto. He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Fellow of the British Academy, and Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. he is author of many books including five previous books with Cambridge (The Logic of Statistical Inference, Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy?, The Emergence of Probability, Representing and Intervening, and The Taming of Chance).
Part I. Logic:
1. Logic
2. What is inductive logic?
Part II. How to Calculate Probabilities:
3. The gambler's fallacy
4. Elementary probability
5. Conditional probability
6. Basic laws of probability
7. Bayes' rule
Part III. How to Combine Probabilities and Utilities:
8. Expected value
9. Maximizing expected value
10. Decision under uncertainty
Part IV. Kinds of Probability:
11. What do you mean?
12. Theories about probability
Part V. Probability as a Measure of Belief:
13. Personal probabilities
14. Coherence
15. Learning from experience
Part VI. Probability as Frequency:
16. Stability
17. Normal approximations
18. Significance
19. Confidence and inductive behaviour
Part VII. Probability Applied to Philosophy:
20. The philosophical problem of induction
21. Learning from experience as an evasion of the problem
22. Inductive behaviour as an evasion of the problem.
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