Architecture and Film looks at the ways architecture and architects are treated on screen and, conversely, how these depictions filter and shape the ways we understand the built environment. It also examines the significant effect that the film industry has had on the American public's perception of urban, suburban, and rural spaces. Contributors to this collection of essays come from a wide range of disciplines. Nancy Levinson from Harvard Design Magazine writes on how films from The Fountainhead to Jungle Fever have depicted architects. Eric Rosenberg from Tufts University looks at how architecture and spatial relations shape the Beatles films A Hard Day's Night, Help!, and Let It Be. Joseph Rosa, curator at the National Building Museum, discusses why modern domestic architecture in recent Hollywood films such as The Ice Storm, L.A. Confidential, and The Big Lebowski has become synonymous with unstable inhabitants. I.D. Magazine writer Peter Hall discusses the history of film titling, focusing on the groundbreaking work of Saul Bass and Maurice Binder. Editor Mark Lamster examines the anti-urbanism of the Star Wars trilogy. The collection also includes the voices of those from within the film industry, who are uniquely able to provide a "behind the scenes" perspective: film editor Bob Eisenhardt comments on the making of Concert of Wills, a documentary on the construction of the Getty Museum; and Robert Kraft focuses on his work as a location director for Diane Keaton's upcoming film about Los Angeles. Also included are interviews with David Rockwell, architect of numerous Planet Hollywood restaurants worldwide and designer of a new hall to host the Academy Awards ceremony; Kyle Kooper, who created title sequences for Seven and Mission Impossible; and motion picture art director Jan Roelfs, whose credits include Gattaca, Orlando, and Little Women.
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近现代篆刻名家印谱丛书:尤无曲 内容简介 我国的篆刻艺术源远流长,至近现代时期达到了高度繁荣,其间名家迭出,可谓群星璀璨。他们中不乏有印谱传世者,但也有不少篆刻...
人类的艺术:中 本书特色 房龙毕生所要追求的,就是艺术化的人生。在《人类的艺术》中,房龙以深厚的文化底蕴、独特的思想、睿智的文风,对不同时代的建筑、雕塑、绘画、...
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近代文学与性爱 本书特色《近代文学与性爱(精)》依据民国20年[1931]开 明书店于上海出版的(美)摩台尔(A.Mordell)* 、钟子岩、王文川译的图书版...
德里达论艺术 本书特色 以往的艺术教育大多以一种艺术史的方式去理解文化,而问题在于我们是否能以一种文化史的方式去理解艺术,即我们应该打开或重建艺术背后的那部尘封...
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