It's well known that a vast number of people work on any given movie in roles as varied as writing scripts, choosing locations, dressing sets, costuming the players, lighting scenes, manipulating the camera, directing actors, editing film, working on sound, advertising the finished product, and screening it to an audience. Have you ever thought about how these components are collated? Or why the director is most often considered the author of a film? Wonder no more, because Sidney Lumet's Making Movies is a terrific journey through each stage of filmmaking that is overseen by the director. Lumet, the veteran director of Twelve Angry Men, The Pawnbroker, Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon, Network, The Verdict, and many other fine movies, knows the ins and outs of American filmmaking as well as anyone. In this excellent, personable account, Lumet tells what he's learned about making movies in the course of the last 40 years. He shows why fine directors need to have strong imaginations, extraordinary adaptability, and skill in many different fields. His enthusiasm for his life's work, particularly his love of actors, is evident on every page of this book. As Herculean as the labors of film directing are, Lumet takes great pleasure in his work, almost guiltily admitting that the film director's job is "the best in the world."
ONEThe Director: The Best Job in the World
TWOThe Script: Are Writers Necessary?
THREEStyle: The Most Misused Word Since Love
FOURActors: Can an Actor Really Be Shy?
FIVEThe Camera: Your Best Friend
SIXArt Direction and Clothes: Does Faye Dunaway Really Have the Skirt Taken in in Sixteen Different Places?
SEVENShooting the Movie: At Last!
EIGHTRushes: The Agony and the Ecstasy
NINEThe Cutting Room: Alone at Last
TENThe Sound of Music: The Sound of Sound
ELEVENThe Mix: The Only Dull Part of Moviemaking
TWELVEThe Answer Print: Here Comes the Baby
THIRTEENThe Studio: Was It All for This?
About the Author
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