Published by Aperture in 1982 and long unavailable, Stephen Shore's legendary "Uncommon Places" has influenced a generation of photographers. Among the first artists to take color beyond advertising and fashion photography, Shore's large-format color work on the American vernacular landscape stands at the root of what has become a vital photographic tradition. "Uncommon Places: The Complete Works" presents a definitive collection of the original series, much of it never before published or exhibited. Like Robert Frank and Walker Evans before him, Shore discovered a hitherto unarticulated version of America via highway and camera. Approaching his subjects with cool objectivity, Shore's images retain precise internal systems of gestures in composition and light through which the objects before his lens assume both an archetypal aura and an ambiguously personal importance. In contrast to Shore's signature landscapes with which ""Un-common Places"" is often associated, this expanded survey reveals equally remarkable collections of interiors and portraits. As a new generation of artists expands on the projects of the New Topographic and New Color photographers of the seventies--Thomas Struth (whose first book was titled "Unconscious Places"), Andreas Gursky, and Catherine Opie among them--"Uncommon Places: The Complete Works" provides a timely opportunity to reexamine the diverse implications of Shore's project and offers a fundamental primer for the last thirty years of large-format color photography.
Stephen Shore was interested in photography from an early age. Self-taught, he received a photographic darkroom kit at age six. He began to use a 35mm camera three years later and made his first color photographs. At ten he received a copy of Walker Evans's book, American Photographs, which influenced him greatly. At age seventeen Shore met Andy Warhol and began to frequent War...
大导演李翰祥1948至1979两岸三地回忆录一字未删,完整本内地首次出版!皇牌导演 亲笔撰书 谈古说今 回味无穷影坛八卦 缠绵悱恻 江湖侠义 生动写实相声曲艺 ...
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本书是“CHANNEL A”系列《那年的梦想》、《蝴蝶过期居留》的延续编。故事较之前更加轻快,人物更年轻、洒脱,一贯相承的,是爱情这个巨大的网络把众多寻寻觅觅、...
A European lately arrived in China, if he is of a receptive and reflective dispo...
In the ashes of a dying world, Red finds a letter marked “Burn before reading. S...
格奥尔格·特拉克尔(Georg Trakl,1887-1914),奥地利著名诗人,第一次世界大战期间自杀于战地医院。在其短暂的一生里,特拉克尔塑造了一种无比独特...
知念实希人,1978年生于日本冲绳县。现居东京。日本内科学会认定医生。2011年以作品《存在的意义》获第四届蔷薇之城福山推理文学新人奖。 “天久鹰央”系列作品广...