The classic visual guide to the basics of building construction, now with the most current information
For nearly three decades, Building Construction Illustrated has offered an outstanding introduction to the principles of building construction. This new edition of the revered classic remains as relevant as ever–providing the latest information in Francis D.K. Ching′s signature style. Its rich and comprehensive approach clearly presents all of the basic concepts underlying building construction and equips readers with useful guidelines for approaching virtually any new materials or techniques they may encounter.
Laying out the material and structural choices available, it provides a full under–standing of how these choices affect a building′s form and dimensions. Complete with more than 1,000 illustrations, the book moves through each of the key stages of the design process, from site selection to building components, mechanical systems, and finishes. Illustrated throughout with clear and accurate drawings that present the state of the art in construction processes and materials Updated and revised to include the latest knowledge on sustainability, incorporation of building systems, and use of new materials Archetypal drawings offer clear inspiration for designers and drafters Reflects the most current building codes and CSI Master Format numbering scheme
With its comprehensive and lucid presentation of everything from foundations and floor systems to finish work, Building Construction Illustrated, Fourth Edition equips students and professionals in all areas of architecture and construction with useful guidelines for approaching virtually any new materials or techniques they may encounter in building planning, design, and construction.
吴让之篆书圣教序--历代名家篆书选 本书特色 中华民国二十五年(1936)五月,上海墨缘堂发行所曾出版发行《吴让之篆书册》一书。这本书的原作为吴让之篆书节录《圣...
新版图说世界文化:图说世界舞蹈 内容简介 在漫长的历史长河中,世界上的各个民族、各个地区或各个国家,都创造出了风格独具、光辉灿烂的文化。而且各种文化互相交流、彼...
赵孟頫行书部首解析 本书特色本套丛书的结构设计分为三部分,一为主要笔画、二为部首大全、三为示范作品,通过这三部分,初学者即可以完成从不会到会,直至*终写出一幅好...
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