关键词: 高密度,建筑学,多样性,亲近性,空中空间利用,三维立体,杂交与共生,空间补偿
This is a discourse of architecture methodology to urban high density.
Taking urban high density surroundings as precondition, the book discusses and elaborates the architecture strategies induced by high density. It is neither the intention for the text to interpret the specific aesthetics of buildings generated from high density nor to be a role taken to state aesthetics. But to search and study the responsiveness and solution of architecture from high density at the viewpoint of architecture while confronting the vital moment of how to develop cities, as well as to find out the architecture strategies to defuse problems produced by urban developing.
The book consists of two sections, the first of which is to study the background and basis of the text while the second section is about the collecting and summarizing of experiences along side with the demonstration for refinement of strategies.
Chapter one discusses the background of the subject on the macro lever, which is about compact city and urban high density surroundings as the precondition of the research subject. It analyzes the urgency of space need appealed by human being, ranging from efficient cause of population explosion, urbanization, improvement aspiration intensely of existence condition and surroundings to ecological compensation, by a large amount of statistics and classification of relevant theories. It not only clarifies the fact of the space need and the contradiction between the limited space and both existence and development of human being as well. Then it demonstrates that cities are the only option to satisfy the space appeal, when taking them as the medium for human being's existence and development. Afterwards it points out that both space appeal and limited space become the justification to support the value of compact city idea. After that, it states the condition of urban high density surroundings by medium perspective, expounds the necessity and historic significance of urban high density, which is the value to urban diversity and prosperousness, and is of the positive significance to the idea of sustainable development.
Chapter two analyzes and expounds the meanings of density and high density in the way from abstract to concreteness by both medium and micro perspectives, which is taken as the basic content of this subject, simultaneously as the technical support and evidence for the following strategies' discussion. It searches and explains the meanings and measure of density according to physical density, perceptive density and high density in the light of both basic numerical measure and the conception of mutual perception. It elaborates the accurate definitions and methods of physical density measurements. Further more it also points out the necessity to evaluate, describe and predict the relation between architecture and both of urban morphology and surroundings, as well as the emerging density status. Finally, this chapter defines the content and scope of urban high density, clarifies the meaning and signified both of high density and its surroundings. Then it searches and finds out the characteristic, potency, contained problems and related elements of urban high density, so that to discover the pertinent evidences for responsive strategies of architecture in urban high density.
Chapter three reviews the history of responsiveness, practice and evolvement of architecture from the beginning of 20 century to present in 21 century upon urban high density surroundings. It analyzes not only the thought, conception and idea of responsive architecture simulated by urban high density surroundings, and the experiences of its searching, experiment and practicing as well, which are taken as the historic content and practical experience of this subject. The history of practice consists of three stages, which are the initial stage from 1900s to 1940s, the developing stage from 1950s to 1980s and the mature stage from 1990s to present in 21 century. It uniquely analyzes the implicated responsiveness and strategies from differentiated researches and practices of architecture focused by view of density. Then it takes the results as the transcription and source for the following chapter that is about the strategies of architecture to urban high density surroundings.
Chapter four elaborates and discusses the architecture strategies to urban high density surroundings based upon the analysis, experiences and results of chapter three, by utilizing the achievements and conclusions of the background study in chapter one along with the basic technologies and theories of density in chapter two. Once interpreting the meaning and essence of the strategies in such specific surroundings, it refines and concludes the six architecture strategies induced from high density, which consists of diversity principle, proximity principle, model of space usage in the air, 3D model, hybrid and coexistence, and space compensation. Each of them is analyzed and discussed deeply one by one.
Ultimately this text gives the conclusions that include the cause and effect of the architecture strategies, and its logic structure as well. As the final conclusion the text declares that the six strategies are of revealing potencies and specialties consisted in architecture stimulated from density, to promote the quantities and qualities of architectural space that coexist coordinately in urban high density surroundings, for the purpose of towards the fine livable urban high density surroundings.
Moreover, this paper summarizes the significance of the strategies to creative ability for architecture, which would be a new research subject for the future.
Key Words: high density, architecture,
diversity, proximity, space usage in the air, 3D, hybrid and coexistence, space compensation
上篇 背景与基础
第一章 紧缩城市与城市高密度环境
1.1 空间诉求的紧迫性及动力因
1.1.1 空间诉求的紧迫性
1.1.2 空间诉求的人口膨胀动力因
1.1.3 空间诉求的城市化动力因
1.1.4 空间诉求的生存条件与环境改善动力因
1.1.5 空间诉求的生态补偿动力因
1.2 密集紧缩城市与城市高密度环境的价值
1.2.1 紧缩还是分散
1.2.2 密集紧缩城市的价值
1.2.3 城市高密度环境
1.2.4 城市高密度环境的优势和多样性价值
第二章 密度与高密度
2.1 物理密度
2.1.1 人口密度的量度方法
2.1.2 建筑密度的量度方法
2.1.3 密度梯度与密度分布
2.1.4 建筑密度与城市形态
2.2 感觉密度
2.2.1 空间密度和社会密度
2.2.2 感觉密度与建筑特征
2.3 高密度与城市高密度环境
2.3.1 高密度含义的主观性和模糊性
2.3.2 基于城市环境和城市形态的高密度内容
2.3.3 城市高密度环境的界定
2.3.4 城市高密度环境与拥挤
下篇 经验与策略
第三章 高密度.建筑应变与实践
3.1 高密度.建筑应变与实践的背景和内容
3.2 建筑应变与实践的初始阶段
3.2.1 摩天大楼的启示
3.2.2 整体都市主义策略的初探
3.2.3 三维立体模式及空间补偿策略的初探
3.2.4 杂交与共生策略的初探
3.3 建筑应变与实践的发展阶段
3.3.1 空间补偿及杂交与共生策略的探索与实践
3.3.2 “空间城市”的启示
3.3.3 几何形体的高密度价值
3.3.4 垂直都市主义及杂交与共生策略的实践与发展
3.3.5 三维立体模式及其叠加模块的探索与实践
3.3.6 广泛的现实性实践与发展
3.4 建筑应变与实践的成熟阶段
3.4.1 走向更高的垂直城市
3.4.2 走向成熟的现实性巨构建筑
3.5 百年高密度.建筑应变与实践建筑师与案例列表
第四章 高密度建筑学策略
4.1 高密度建筑学策略的含义
4.2 高密度建筑学策略的内容
4.3 多样性原则
4.4 亲近性原则
4.5 空中空间利用模式
4.5.1 空中空间利用的必然性
4.5.2 空中的空间诉求
4.5.3 空中空间利用模式的回归
4.5.4 空中空间利用模式的经验
4.6 三维立体模式——垂直都市主义
4.6.1 三维立体模式的环境因素
4.6.2 三维立体模式的价值和意义
4.6.3 三维立体模式的经验
4.6.4 叠加模式
4.6.5 悬挑模式
4.6.6 漂浮模式
4.6.7 建筑基面三维连续立体化
4.6.8 建筑公共空间与城市公共空间的三维接驳
4.6.9 地下空间的开拓
4.7 杂交与共生——整体都市主义
4.7.1 杂交与共生的类型学意义
4.7.2 杂交与共生的生存策略意义
4.7.3 杂交与共生的演进和经验
4.7.4 杂交与共生的效能和特征
4.7.5 杂交建筑
4.8 空间补偿
4.8.1 空间补偿的环境因素
4.8.2 空间补偿的价值和意义
4.8.3 空间补偿的具体手段
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