during the night on a several day train trip across lower Europe, Poirot's seemingly unpopular sleeping car neighbor is murdered. Rather than little or no clues or suspects, almost everybody aboard the train is a suspect; plenty of clues float around besides. Since the train is totally stalled due to a heavy snow, no resources other than sheer brainpower are available to our intellectual Belgian sleuth. Poirot gets by without his familiar sidekick, Capt. Hastings, but "adopts" a railroad executive and the traveling doctor as foils upon which to foist his evolving theories. After Poirot very cleverly determines that the victim is a hated child kidnapper/killer from America, the plot thickens as the interrogations proceed -- first one and then another and then another of the passengers seem to be related somehow to that long ago famous case. Could it be a conspiracy? You'll be turning the 200 pages rapidly to find out!
Part1 The Facts
1 An Important Passenger on the Taurus Express
2 The Tokatlian Hotel
3 Poirot Refuses a Case
4 A Cry Inthe Night
5 The Crime
6 A Woman?
7 The Body
8 The Armstrong Kidnapping Case
Part2 The Evidence
1 The Evidence of the Wagon Lit Conductor
2 The Evidence of The seeretary
3 The Evidence of the Valet
4 The Evidence of the American Lady
5 The evidence of the Swedish Lady
6 The Evidence of the Russian Princess
7 The Evidence of Count and Countess Andrenyi
8 The Evidence of Colonel Arbouthnor
9 The Evidence of Mr Hardman
10 The Evidence of the Italian
11 The Evidence of Miss Debenham
12 The Evidence of the German Lady s-Maid
13 Summary of the Passengers Evidence
14 The Evidence of the weapon
15 The Evidence of the Passengers Luggage
Part3 Hercule Polrot Sits Back and Thinks
1 Which of Them?
2 Ten Questions
3 Certain Suggestive Points
4 The Grease Spot on a Hungarian Passport
5 The Christian Name of Princess Dragomiroff
6 A Second Interview with Colonel Arbuthnot
7 The Identity of Mary Debenham
8 Further Surprising Revelations
9 Poirot Propounds Two Solutions
作品目录读《宣和书谱》的感想(代前言)卷一 一、历代诸帝 后附卷二 一、篆书叙论……卷三一、正书叙论……卷四一、正书二卷五
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