A true cornerstone of the Japanese underground scene of the 1960sSeiichi Hayashi produced "Red Colored Elegy" between 1970 and 1971, in the aftermath of a politically turbulent and culturally vibrant decade that promised but failed to deliver new possibilities. With a combination of sparse line work and visual codes borrowed from animation and film, the quiet, melancholy lives of a young couple struggling to make ends meet are beautifully captured in this poetic masterpiece. Uninvolved with the political movements of the time, Ichiro and Sachiko hope for something better, but they're no revolutionaries; their spare time is spent drinking, smoking, daydreaming, and sleeping--together and at times with others. While Ichiro attempts to make a living from his comics, Sachiko's parents are eager to arrange a marriage for her, but Ichiro doesn't seem interested. Both in their relationship and at work, Ichiro and Sachiko are unable to say the things they need to say, and like any couple, at times say things to each other that they do not mean, ultimately communicating as much with their body language and what remains unsaid as with words."" "Red Colored Elegy" is informed as much by underground Japanese comics of the time as it is by the French nouvelle vague, and its cultural referents range from James Dean to Ken Takakura. Its influence in Japan was so great that Morio Agata, a prominent Japanese folk musician and singer/songwriter, debuted with a love song written and named after it.
鼹鼠和兔子-鼹鼠的故事 本书特色 《鼹鼠的故事:鼹鼠和兔子》:畅销全球五十多年的经典图书,荣获多项世界大奖的传世之作。“鼹鼠的故事”是捷克著名画家兹德内克·米莱...
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伟大的先驱-纪念孙中山先生诞辰150周年国画集-全5册 本书特色 纪念孙中山先生诞辰150周年连环画集 《首任总统》《雾都十三夜》《孙中山传》《珠海惊涛》《孙中...
好猫咪咪-中国动画经典 本书特色 致家长朋友: 上海美术电影制片厂是中国大型动画制作基地之一,代表着中国动画制作的*高水平。艺术家们笔下的那些个性鲜明的...
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好高 好高 本书特色 《好高好高》是日本著名图画大师岩村和朗的又一经典代表作品。他用细腻、柔美、充满童趣的插画风格,深深感动了许多大小读者。该书延续了岩村和朗一...
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