Book Description
The highest standards in editing and production have been applied to the Wordsworth Children's Classics, while the low price makes them affordable for everyone. Wordsworth's list covers a range of the best-loved stories for children, from nursery tales, classic fables, and fairy tales to stories that will appeal to older children and adults alike. Many of these volumes have contemporary illustrations, and while they are ideal for shared family reading, their attractive format will also encourage children to read for themselves. Like all Wordsworth Editions, these children's books represent unbeatable value.
When the Cuthberts send to the orphanage for a boy to help them at their farm Green Gables, they are astonished when a talkative little girl steps off the train. Anne, an incurable romantic causes chaos at Green Gables and at the village, but her good nature endears her to the residents.
When Marilla Cuthbert's brother, Matthew, returns home to Green Gables with a chatty redheaded orphan girl, Marilla exclaims, "But we asked for a boy. We have no use for a girl." It's not long, though, before the Cuthberts can't imagine how they could ever do without young Anne of Green Gables--but not for the original reasons they sought an orphan. Somewhere between the time Anne "confesses" to losing Marilla's amethyst pin (which she never took) in hopes of being allowed to go to a picnic, and when Anne accidentally dyes her hated carrot-red hair green, Marilla says to Matthew, "One thing's for certain, no house that Anne's in will ever be dull." And no book that she's in will be, either. This adapted version of the classic, Anne of Green Gables, introduces younger readers to the irrepressible heroine of L.M. Montgomery's many stories. Adapter M.C. Helldorfer includes only a few of Anne's mirthful and poignant adventures, yet manages to capture the freshness of one of children's literature's spunkiest, most beloved characters. There's just enough to make beginning readers want more--luckily, there's a lot more in the originals! Illustrator Ellen Beier creates vibrant pictures to portray the beauty of the land around Green Gables and the spirited nature of Anne herself. (Ages 5 to 8)
--Emilie Coulter
From Library Journal
This version of Mongomery's classic is illustrated with 14 beautiful color prints by artist Gabriella Dellosso. Though many cheaper editions are available, this is really quite nice for the price.
From School Library Journal
Grade 5-8-The nostalgic charm of Avonlea comes alive in Lucy Maud Montgomery's heart-warming tale set on the quaint island of Prince William about an aging brother and sister, Mathew and Marilla Cuthbert, and their decision to adopt a young boy to help with chores around their farm. However, as the result of a misunderstanding the boy turns out to be a feisty, independent, and wildly imaginative redheaded girl named Anne. Marilla's first reaction to this news is, "What use is she to us?" Wherein Mathew replies, "We might be of some use to her." Throughout this moving story these two statements mix and meld together so richly and completely that they become one truth. Three lives are changed so dramatically that none can imagine life without the others. Each new day brings a new set of adventures, often hilarious and always uplifting. Anne's vivid and overactive imagination is the cause of many mishaps, but her saving grace is her heart of gold. Her best friend and "kindred spirit," Diana, and her handsome admirer, Gilbert Blythe, often find themselves unintentional victims of Anne's escapades. Narrator Shelly Frasier's pleasant voice is especially enjoyable during the rapid ramblings of Anne and as the soft-spoken, slow-paced Mathew. Her voice reflects the human qualities of each character, switching seamlessly between broken and despaired, curt and crisp, or dreamy and absent-minded. This perennial classic, divided into convenient three minute tracks and containing a short biography of the author, is a must have for expanding audiobook collections.
Cheryl Preisendorfer, Twinsburg High School, OH
From AudioFile
[Editor's Note: The following is a combined review with THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER.]--Imagination is key to both these classics. Young Anne ("Anne with an e"), adopted into a Prince Edward Island household, uses her imagination and determined spirit to fill her world with hopes and aspirations. And the "dreamings and readings" of the pauper Tom Canty set off the cascade of mistaken identities that comprise Twain's famous tale. The St. Charles Players offer amusing adaptations of these stories with accessible, appealing performances. Here is family listening to entertain different ages and interests. The casts are a bit uneven, but each has some outstanding roles. These are not sophisticated productions, but the spirit of these classics is undaunted--like Anne of Green Gables herself. R.F.W.
About Author
L. M. Montgomery, a Canadian national treasure, grew up on Prince Edward Island, where her stories are set. Her Anne of Green Gables novels are popular worldwide.
Book Dimension :
length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6
Mrs Rachel Lynde is SurprisedMatthew Cuthbert is SurprisedMarilla Cuthbert is SurprisedMorning at Green GablesAnne"s HistoryMarilla Makes up Her MindAnne says Her PrayersAnne"s Bringing-up is BegunMrs Rachel Lynde is Properly HorrifiedAnne"sApologyAnne"s Impressions of Sunday SchoolA Solemn Vow and PromiseThe Delights of AnticipationAnne"s ConfessionA Tempest in the School TeapotDiana is Invited to Tea, with Tragic ResultsA New Interest in LifeAnne to the RescueA Concert, a Catastrophe and a ConfessionA Good Imagination Gone WrongA New Departure in FlavouringsAnne is Invited out to TeaAnne Comes to Grief in an Affair of HonourMiss Staey and Her Pupils get up a ConcertMatthew Insists on Puffed SleevesThe Story Club is FormedVanity and Vexation of SpiritAn Unfortunate Lily MaidAn Epoch in Anne"s LifeThe Queen"s Class is OrganisedWhere the Brook and River MeetThe Pass List is OutThe Hotel ConcertA Queen"s GirlThe Winter at Queen"sThe Glory and the DreamThe Reaper whose Name is DeathThe Bend in the Road
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