Examines the concept of play in Western thought, with special emphasis on the relationship between aesthetics and ethics, and envisions literary discourse as contributing to an alternative mentality based on peace rather than power."Spariosu's book is one of the most compelling accounts of the nature of play that I have ever encountered. Its breadth and depth of knowledge are remarkable, its understanding of the importance of play acute.This book is more than useful. It frames a number of crucially important issues in ways that are not to be found anywhere else. Play in itself is a topic that should receive increasing attention in the future in any case, and Spariosu's work here (and elsewhere) makes a fundamental contribution to this approach toward human understanding. I know of no other book that probes the notion of play from as many different angles and that manages to provoke as many different questions on the topic as this one". -- James S. Hans, Wake Forest UniversityThe title of this book (that is, the image of the olive) conveys the twofold cultural symbolism of ludic liminality and irenic transformation. Spariosu here both continues with and departs from his previous works, where he has sketched a broad genealogical outline of the concept of play in Western thought, with special emphasis on the agon between aesthetics and ethics, or between poetry and philosophy, as initiated by Socrates in Plato's Republic.In this book he moves back and forth between a genealogical and a speculative approach, envisioning the possibility of an alternative human mentality that is based not on power but on another formative principle, such as primordial peace (Levinas's phrase). Canhumans in general and Westerners in particular gain access to or build alternative mentalities, or even alternative worlds? What would the onto-epistemology, axiology, and etho-pathology of such a world look like? And how can literary discourse specifically contribute to the creation of an irenic mode of thought, feeling, and behavior?
◎ 编辑推荐她以健朗的姿态跃入横断山,带出关于生活、实践与写作的更多的可能性。——茅盾文学奖作家 阿来藉由七堇年的文字,我神游于横断山脉之间:在雪山、湖泊、经幡...
大学语言与医古文 本书特色 本书是响应北京中医药大学大力推进素质教育、增强大学生人文修养、积极编写我校自编教材、深入开展教育教学改革的号召编写的,是《大学语文与...
米拉德·J·艾利克森(Millard J. Erickson),当代著名福音派神学家,美国贝勒大学特鲁伊特神学院(Truett Theological Semi...
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伊莱利亚•达尼尼•布瑞(Ilaria Dagnini Brey)出生于意大利帕多瓦,现为记者和译者,与丈夫卡特•布雷(纽约爱乐乐团的首席大提琴手)住在纽约市。她...
中平卓马,摄影家,摄影评论家。1938年生于东京, 1958年进入东京外国语大学西班牙语系就读。毕业进入《现代之眼》担任编辑,1968年与高梨丰、多木浩二共同创...
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