Brings the radical environmentalism known as deep ecology into an encounter with contemporary social and cultural theory, showing that deep ecology still has much to learn from such theory.In Primitives in the Wilderness, Peter van Wyck brings the radical environmentalism known as deep ecology into an encounter with contemporary social and cultural theory. With an eye to critically exposing unexamined essentialist and foundational commitments, the author shows how deep ecology remains profoundly entangled with the very traditions of thought it has sought to overcome. The author critically assesses deep ecology's relations with the Enlightenment, modernity, systems theory, anthropocentrism, the figure of wilderness and the trope of the primitive, and the imagined promise of posthistoric primitivism. He demonstrates the manner in which deep ecology (and much of contemporary environmental thought) has remained blind to the lessons (and possibilities) of contemporary social and poststructural theory.Drawing from an array of contemporary theoretical works (including Haraway's figure of the cyborg and situated knowledges, Deleuze's conception of an image of thought, Foucault's panopticon, Trinh on ethnographic authority, Lingis on the "Other", Torgovnick and Clastres's work on the primitive and power, and Vattimo's "weak thought"), van Wyck opens a clearing within which the ecological problematic and the question of the human subject may be rethought.
1939年9月1日—1945年9月2日,以德国、意大利、日本法西斯等轴心国( 及保加利亚、匈牙利、罗马尼亚等国)为一方,以反法西斯同盟和全世界反法西斯力量为另一...
《在體制內遊說》聚焦於中國市場轉型中和政治制度結構下企業家對於政策過程的影響,試圖初步回答以下研究問題: 第一,在當代中國市場轉型中,企業家如何影響政策過程? ...
为 0-3 岁宝宝营造一生安全感的睡前故事折射出幸福家庭的模样的小小兔一家◎ 编辑推荐☆ 让父母有所反思,给孩子受用一生的爱与安全感☆ 可爱的画面,丰富柔和的色...
作品目录中文版序 —— vii野村浩一來信 —— ix西澤治彥書評 —— xi前 言 —— 1第一章 問題所在及考察對象 —— 11一、本書
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作者简介查尔斯•巴尔(Charles Barr),曾为东英吉利大学电影学教授。现为爱尔兰国立高威大学约翰•休斯顿电影与数字媒介中心客座教授,他还是在线刊物《电影...
作者简介:Susan M. Weinschenk宾夕法尼亚州立大学心理学博士,行为心理学家,研究心理学在设计中的应用30余年。现为咨询和培训公司Weinsche...
【作者簡介】犬村小六Inumura Koroku寫輕小說的人,也製作遊戲。【繪者簡介】森沢晴行Morisawa Haruyuki富山縣出生,現居東京的插畫家。最...