The materials that decorate our homes and protect us from cold, light, and prying eyes reveal as well as conceal. Drapery and curtain designs tell the story of great shifts in home and work life that accompanied innovations in textile manufacturing technology and the fashion industry over the course of the nineteenth century. Capricious Fancy chronicles the changes in fashionable curtain and drapery styles in the United States and Europe during the Industrial Revolution. This unique compilation contains hundreds of illustrations, most in full color, reproduced from more than one hundred rare pattern books, workroom manuals, trade catalogues, and examples of design literature selected from the collections of The Athenoum of Philadelphia, including the Samuel J. Dornsife Collection of The Victorian Society in America. Each design is annotated with a description of its source and significance. Gail Caskey Winkler's research confirms the mastery of French upholsterers in the art of draping windows, bedsteads, and doorways. The book follows the transmission of high styles from Paris to London to North America before the middle of the nineteenth century and the development of the retail home fashion business, including the mail-order trade. Even as wealth spread, disparity continued between the upper and middle classes in adopting the newest fashions. Meanwhile, the audience for interior fashion publications switched from male building professionals and artisans to female homemakers. With 325 images and historical commentary from a leading educator and historic preservation practitioner, Capricious Fancy is a source of authentic inspiration for preservation professionals, interior designers, set designers, museum curators, and anyone with a passion for period decor.
青年读本---柏杨作品---透视柏杨 内容简介 透过众说纷纭的文化现象,重现真实的人生百态,揭开惊人的重重迷雾,让你把握历史的航向。青年读本---柏杨作品---...
《剧说》疏证-古代曲学名著疏证 本书特色 焦循的著作,较重要的有《雕菰楼易学三书》、《雕菰集》、《孟子正义》、《易学籥录》、《六经补疏》、《里堂学算记》、《古文...
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晚清小说史-精编版 本书特色 本书紧密地结合社会政治背景,对晚清重要作家、作品作了较为中肯的介绍和评论。着重提到了一些反映了重大社会生活、艺术性较高的重要作品,...
红楼十五章 本书特色 在这个流行伪知识和本本主义的时代,《红楼十五章》是一本罕见的由一个真正的学者写就的有思想创造力,真知灼见并且充满激情的著作。著名旅美思想文...
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这本《诗经》收录全部305篇,每篇诗歌都配有相应的解释及译文,使读者更容易理解。目录 国风·周南关雎葛覃卷耳楞木螽斯桃天兔置
红楼长短论 内容简介 本书汇集著名红学家胡文彬先生近年研究新作72篇,分七个部分阐述了作者对于《红楼梦》文本内容、版本考订、人物形象的研治心得。发掘披露了不少与...
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文学散步-(第4版) 本书特色 《文学散步》(第4版)是一本教我们如何读文学的书。书的篇幅并不大,但讨论的却都是有关文学的重大问题。这些重大问题,诸如如何欣赏文...