The last two decades have produced tremendous developments in the mathematical theory of wavelets and their great variety of applications in science and engineering. Wavelets allow complex information, such as music, speech, images, and patterns, to be decomposed into an elementary form called building blocks at different positions and scales. The information is reconstructed with high precision. In an effort to acquaint researchers in applied mathematics, physics, statistics, computer science, and engineering and to stimulate further research, a regional research conference was organized at the University of Central Florida in May 1998. Many distinguished applied mathematicians and engineering scientists participated in the conference and presented a digest of recent developments, open questions, and unsolved problems in this rapidly growing and important field. The carefully selected chapters in this new text will appeal to the reader interested in a broad perspective of wavelet analysis and time-frequency signal analysis. "Wavelet Transforms and Time-Frequency Signal Analysis" brings together recent developments in theory and applications of wavelet transforms that are likely to determine fruitful directions for future advanced study and research. The book is designed as a new source for modern topics dealing with wavelets, wavelet transforms, time-frequency signal analysis, and other applications for future development of this new, important, and useful subject for mathematics, science and engineering. This book offers broad coverage of recent material on wavelet analysis and time-frequency signal analysis that is not covered in other recent reference books. It provides the reader with a thorough mathematical background and a wide variety of applications that are sufficient for interdisciplinary collaborative research in applied mathematics. It presents information that puts the reader at the forefront of current research. "Wavelet Transforms and Time-Frequency Signal Analysis" will serve as a research reference or as a text for an advanced course in wavelet analysis and time-frequency signal analysis. Professionals working on modern applied mathematics, computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, physics, and biomedical engineering will also find this book useful.
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