Taking aim at the mostly male bastion of art theory and criticism, Mira Schor brings a maverick perspective and provocative voice to the issues of contemporary painting, gender representation, and feminist art. Writing from her dual perspective of a practicing painter and art critic, Schor's writing has been widely read over the past fifteen years in Artforum, "Art Journal", "Heresies", and "M/E/A/N/I/N/G", a journal she coedited. Collected here, these essays challenge established hierarchies of the art world of the 1980s and 1990s and document the intellectual and artistic development that have marked Schor's own progress as a critic.Bridging the gap between art practice, artwork, and critical theory, "Wet" includes some of Schor's most influential essays that have made a significant contribution to debates over essential ism. Articles range from discussions of contemporary women artists Ida Applebroog, Mary Kelly, and the Guerrilla Girls, to 'Figure/Ground', an examination of utopian modernism's fear of the 'goo' of painting and femininity.From the provocative 'Representations of the Penis', which suggests novel readings of familiar images of masculinity and introduces new ones, to 'Appropriated Sexuality', a trenchant analysis of David Salle's depiction of women, "Wet" is a fascinating and informative collection. Complemented by over twenty illustrations, the essays in "Wet" reveal Schor's remarkable ability to see and to make others see art in a radically new light. This collection will appeal to visual artists, art historians and students, and a general audience interested in contemporary art, painting, and feminism.
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“鱼书”《深度学习入门:基于Python的理论与实现》作者又一力作。手把手带你创建深度学习框架,直击现代深度学习框架本质!◎ 编辑推荐• 简明易懂,讲解详细本书...
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医药数学模型与软件应用实践 本书特色 本书共分6章,内容包括医药数学模型的基本知识、医药数据处理的数学方法与实验、生物数学模型应用和计算分子生物信息学、医学数学...
井上 雄彦(いのうえ たけひこ、本名:成合 雄彦(なりあい たけひこ)、1967年1月12日 - )は、日本の漫画家。鹿児島県大口市(現・伊佐市)出身、熊本大学...
作者简介四十年来被尊为女权偶像人物的英国文学老祖母,与伍尔芙并称“双星”。 数次获诺贝尔文学奖和布克奖提名。 1919年生于伊
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