In Scripted Affects, Branded Selves, Gabriella Lukacs analyzes the development of a new primetime serial called "trendy drama" as the Japanese television industry's ingenuous response to market fragmentation. Much like the HBO hit Sex and the City, trendy dramas feature well-heeled young sophisticates enjoying consumer-oriented lifestyles while managing their unruly love lives. Integrating a political economic analysis of television production with reception research, Lukacs suggests that the trendy drama marked a shift in the Japanese television industry from offering story-driven entertainment to producing lifestyle-oriented programming. She interprets the new televisual preoccupation with consumer trends not as a sign of the medium's downfall, but as a savvy strategy to appeal to viewers who increasingly demand entertainment that feels more personal than mass produced fare. After all, what the producers of trendy dramas realized in the late 1980s was that taste and lifestyle were sources of identification that could much more flexibly be manipulated to satisfy mass and niche demands than more conventional marketing criteria such as generation, ethnicity, or gender. Lukacs argues that by capitalizing on the semantic fluidity of the notion of lifestyle, commercial television networks were capable of uniting viewers into new affective alliances that, in turn, helped them bury anxieties over changing class relations in the wake of the prolonged economic recession.
《C语言从入门到精通》内容简介:本书讲解知识全面、重点突出,其中覆盖了基于Visual C++6.0环境的C语言开发中的各个方面,通过本书