Wittgenstein's work is notoriously difficult to understand and, at least superficially, deals almost exclusively with obscure and technical problems in logic and the philosophy of language. He has been blamed for leading philosophers away from the problems of the real world. Wittgenstein, however, was certainly a man of the real world. He once asked rhetorically: 'What is the use of philosophy...if it does not improve your thinking about the important questions of everyday life?' From this and other remarks it is clear that his philosophical work was meant to have real, practical value. Wittgenstein at his Word explains how Wittgenstein's idea of the value of philosophy shaped his philosophical method and led him to talk and write about the abstruse questions he dealt with in most of his work. Unlike many books, it examines not only the Tractatus and Philosophical Investigations, but also Wittgenstein's work on epistemology, ethics, and religion: Showing for the first time the real connections between Wittgenstein the man and Wittgenstein the philosopher, Richter's book will change the way in which he is read in the twenty-first century.
《神话学:从蜂蜜到烟灰》内容简介:列维-斯特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss,1908—)在西方现代哲学史上占有”结构主义之父“的重要
蒂莫西·威廉姆森(Timothy Williamson,1955— ),生于瑞典,1981年于英国牛津大学获得哲学博士学位,现为牛津大学哲学系威克汉姆逻辑学讲席...
克里斯托弗·希尔兹(Christopher Shields),美国圣母大学舒斯特哲学教授、古典系兼职教授。代表作品有《多样性中的秩序:亚里士多德哲学中的同名异义...
劳思光(1927- ):香港中文大学中国文化研究所高级研究员。湖南省长沙市人,1927年生。早年就读于北京大学哲学系。1949年后旅居台、港等地,并在美国哈佛大...