In The Law Review, attorney S. Scott Gaille sets the record straight about how lawyers get their start. Himself a graduate of the law school at the University of Chicago, he writes knowingly about the pressure, the collision of exigency and idealism, the cost to personal relationships, as the brightest, if not the best, begin their legal studies.Grayson has just started law school at the University of Chicago with dreams of a prestigious legal career and one day running for public office. The gateway to these opportunities is membership on the exclusive legal journal, the Law Review. While vying for membership on the journal, Grayson becomes romantically involved with one of its leading editors, the elusive Aris. He soon finds himself in the middle of the editors' ever escalating fight for control of the Law Review -- and for Aris's bed. When one of the editors is found lying in a pool of blood, Grayson realizes that he knows too much. Torn between conflicting loyalties, he finds his promising future, and even his life, in jeopardy. The Law Review examines obsession in its many forms, and the price that some are willing to pay to become a member of society's most lettered class.
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