'These grand personages who set out to discover the great truth and never quite find it, give me a pain.They can't find it because they are always looking in the wrong place." - Galileo Galilee Drs. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and the giants of dream psychology in last century missed the mark. Finally, we get the answers and the evidence about sleep and dreaming we have sought: LIWhy we and all animals sleep LIWhy we dream and are they truly meaningful LIWhy we forget some dreams and remember others Through these answer, we learn about brain evolution and structure, ADC (after-death-contact), telepathy, precognition, schizophrenia, and much more. Empirically, psychology of any sort without an underlying neurological structure as its progenitor is not possible. Dreams are not possible without the neurological structure we have evolved to support dreaming. This neurological perspective of dreaming is the basis for all the implications of dreams you will explore and discover through the "Neuropsychology of the Dreaming Brain."
临床肿瘤妇科学 本书特色 肿瘤是危害人类生命和健康的主要疾病,严重影响病人的生存和生活质量,妇科肿瘤的防治一直以来就是妇产科医务工作者的重要事项,培养合格的肿瘤...
液晶显示器维修技能实训-(第4版) 本书特色 本书由资深液晶显示器维修培训师精心编写,重点讲解液晶显示器元器件的检测、液晶显示器各种电路(开关电源电路、高压电源...
颜亦鲁诊余集 本书特色 (1)本书来源于颜亦鲁先生的学生张宗良整理的手抄本,曾经内部刊行,颇受中医界同仁好评。(2)为了让读者全面了解颜亦鲁先生的生平及学术思想...
Winner of the 1997 Alice Davis Hitchcock MedallionAnyone reviewing the history o...
精神科医生札记 内容简介 本书主要内容包括:精神病;精神科医生;精神病人;卫生与健康;人格与健康;医疗行为与健康;个人行为与健康等。精神科医生札记 目录 精神病...
At last in paperback in one complete volume, here are the five classic novels fr...
中国营养学会(Chinese Nutrition Society,CNS)始创于1945年,1950年并入“生理科学会”。1981年在中国科协批准下复会。接受业...
This book was written for scientists and engineers in a wide variety of fields: ...
交通复杂网络方法 本书特色 复杂网络的研究揭示并解释了真实网络的统计特征,研究结果可以用来指导和解决大量科学和工程的实际问题。研究分析了复杂网络的各种方法,融合...
让-吕克•南希(Jean-Luc Nancy),当代欧洲著名哲学家,斯特拉斯堡大学教授。他的哲学研究推进了当代法国思想,有着深远的影响力。已发表近五十部著作,很...
作者简介George Crowder is Professor in the College of Business, Government and Law, ...