.his life was content. married for twenty-eight and a half years; two beautiful and intelligent daughters. two precious grandchildren. he and his wife had been through good times and bad times; including a one-and-a-half year separation. but now, they were together again. making an effort to make it all work. his life was content. .she dwelt in his memory, a vision of beauty; his first and only true love. for two years, they had dated. when she had broke up with him, he had been crushed. in the Navy at the time, he went overseas for a year; returning in 1974. they had seen each other on a couple of occasions. on one particular occasion, she gave him a chance to express his feelings. .one special moment. the moment that he would want to forever relive. the moment that he wished for from the depths of his heart and soul. the moment that he was about to get. what would you do if you secretly wished for one moment from your past and woke up one morning only to realize that you were in your past? what would you do if you desired one more chance at a certain moment from thirty years ago, only to awaken and find that you were no longer fifty years old; you were twenty instead? awaken to discover that you were just over a week away from that moment? what would you do if you awakened to find all this true.and you possessed a complete knowledge of the next thirty years? .
理查德 S. 泰德罗哈佛商学院1949级工商行政管理学教授,此前著有《安迪•格鲁夫传》(2006年《商业周刊》十佳书籍之一)、《影响历史的商业七巨头》(2001...
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