Jr·Reap Charles A《Devil's Game》

Jr·Reap Charles A《Devil's Game》

作者:Jr·Reap Charles A






George Sheldon is casually driving to work one day when a strange SUV unexpectedly appears beside him. The devilish-looking driver has no hands on the steering wheel. As George uneasily exits the freeway to escape this dangerous vehicle, the SUV suddenly swerves, causing a horrifying traffic accident. Emotionally disturbed and physically sickened over the senseless loss of innocent lives, George searches for the SUV, but it is nowhere to be found. Similar appalling episodes continue to occur, and George is always the innocent bystander. Local law enforcement officials refuse to believe George's story, even when he tries to tell them of the strange SUV and its terrifying driver. After repeated arrests, George turns to alcohol for comfort. He loses his wife, his home, and his job, and is eventually committed to a mental institution. In the confines of his hospital room, George constantly replays the incidents in his mind. Is there a way to regain his sanity and rebuild his life? And more importantly, can George keep the devil from winning this diabolical game?

