The oldest question since creation. God put we humans on earth, and divinely granted us "reason" for a good reason. That unique attribute gave us the individual power to discern what is right, and what is wrong. What is moral and what is not moral. America's founders understood this as the truths of God's Natural Law. America, which more than other cultures held God's eye, fashioned a nation based on the liberty and independence assured by His Natural Law. America, disregarding George Washington's Natural Law advice to avoid entanglements, even with friendly nations, to its loss, succumbed to Israeli entreaties, and engaged in an unprovoked series of wars in the, volatile, Middle East, ostensibly to force an alien point of view on a culture controlled by the violent, anti-Christian Shiriah Laws of Islam. The predictable result was not only the creation of solidarity between Islam's natural enemies, increasing the peril to both Israel and America, but halting what was once the opportunity to acquaint the Islam world with the Good News of Christ. America, engaging in such wars, plus its wholesale violation of God's other moral laws, inevitably will lead to the losing of its liberty and independence. Can America regain its morals, and its fading Christian culture? Can sufficient numbers of Christian Americans still band together, to cleave off the constant insidious, anti-Christian assaults on God's Natural Laws? Can America ever return to God's law? Is this the beginning or the end? How these questions are answered will determine whether America will still exist tomorrow. Hopefully, this book will explore those questions, and provide some answers.
作者简介:落落,女,现居上海备受瞩目的超人气青春文学作家《文艺风象》主编、《最小说-ZUI Silence》文字总监已出版书目:《年华是无效信》、《尘埃星球》、...
王智贤老中医针灸经验真传 本书特色 王智贤主编的《王智贤老中医针灸经验真传》上编增添**章经络的基本知识;第2章~第7章在原文基础上有所增补和修订;中编第8章~...
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作品目录第三十三回 光照的方向第三十四回 荆轲矛第三十五回 颜真卿第三十六回 穷途第三十七回 马嵬驿第三十八回 天下安· · ·
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南怀瑾讲述:易经与中医 本书特色 适读人群 :对中医、道家文化、易文化、中国哲学、中国传统文化等感兴趣的读者,“南粉”南怀瑾先生从文化和学理的角度,探讨易学与中...
中国医药科技出版社黄氏喉科传真 内容简介 无锡黄氏喉科,传承十代,历经300余年,及至第九代传人黄莘农主任医师,黄氏喉科理论体系日臻完备,诊疗方法更为成熟。上世...
林焕彰 1939年生,台湾省宜兰县人。小学毕业后,当过牧童和学徒。60年代初开始发表作品。与同辈诗友发起成立过“龙族诗社”。曾任《布谷鸟儿童诗学季刊》总编辑。现...