Reginald Buchanan《Writer's Block》

Reginald Buchanan《Writer's Block》

作者:Reginald Buchanan






They say that writers have a strong desire to get published, but they didn't mention that the eagerness to be published could lead to madness. Unfortunately this wasn't explained to one writer who seeks his revenge on agents, publishers, and newspaper columnists by murdering them for not endorsing or publishing his work. "Writer's Block" is a murder mystery about seven writers, one of which is the serial killer, who meets once a month for their writer's block meetings at their local Barnes and Noble book store to discuss their writing feats and accomplishments. "Writer's Block" also delves into the trails and tribulations of what seven writers endure to get published. It will allow you to witness the tragedy of one writer's prisoner of war ordeal, one writer's infidelity issues, the unexpected death of one writer's mother, and other serious issues that these writers experience.

