Shannon must go back to Arizona to make her grandparents dying wish come true. Arizona was a place she once loved then in an instant despised everything about it. All of her nightmares start to return the night she arrived in Arizona. Having bad luck all the way around trying to find her brother she must ask her friend's father for help. She didn't remember Lee Johnson when he first walked into the house. as soon as he laid eyes on her those fourteen years of lost time seemed to disappear in a heart beat. She was back and Lee was not going to let her go a second time. she was all he ever wanted and he was not going to let her walk out of his life again. Shannon made herself into the woman she turned out to be. she was the back bone of the family and her grandfather's business. she certainly didn't have time for a man in her life. her motto was she was the only one she could depend on no one else. When Lee offered her a place to stay so she wouldn't be alone she takes him up on his offer when he tells her, her mother knows she is in Arizona and looking for her. For Shannon it felt like her world was coming down around her she didn't have any control over it. Lee turned into her savior he was behind her all the way picking up the pieces behind her. The nightmares soon turned into reality when her mother shows up in the hospital unannonced after Shannon is in an accident. Again Lee is there to pick up the pieces for her soon there friendship turned into love when it was time for Shannon to return home she is torn between going home to be with her grandparents and loosing Lee again.
实用传染病防治-第2版 本书特色 2001年4月编写的《实用传染病防治》一书,多年来深受广大读者欢迎。但是,在新的形势下新发各类疫情病种的不断出...
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This founding work of the history of religions, first published in English in 19...
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