Imagine that you are the mother of a beautiful baby boy. Your bundle of joy was born perfectly healthy with ten little fingers and ten little toes. He smiles, walks and talks on time-right on track with his peers. You could not be happier. Now, imagine that your baby gets sick. He's suddenly sick every week with ear infections, bronchitis, vomiting, diarrhea, allergies, eczema, fevers and colds. Then, imagine that he stops talking. Imagine that he stops putting his hands out when he falls on the playground. He seems dizzy, distracted and disoriented most of the time. Imagine that he stops responding to his name or responding to you, his mother, at all. His doctor says he's fine, but you know better. You start asking around and reading and researching. You have your suspicions, but hope to God they are not true. Then finally, several months or even years later, you are given the devastating diagnosis of autism. And not only that, but you are then faced with some even more horrifying news. "There is no cure for autism." This is what I was faced with during the first four years of my son's life. This is my story and the story of countless other families getting that same diagnosis every day with this growing worldwide epidemic. Sounds pretty grim, doesn't it? "But, wait a minute. What is that?" There's something flickering on the horizon. It's gaining momentum with its incredible strength and power. There may not be a cure for autism, yet, but there is definitely hope in the air. There are things you can do, today, to help your child. You just have to take one step . and then another . and then another.
作品目录清代通史一 萧一山《清代通史》导读 序 清代通史叙 序 序 清代通史序 叙例 导言 第一篇 后金汉国之成立与发展 第一章
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