《Flirting with Finance》书籍《Flirting with Finance》

《Flirting with Finance》书籍《Flirting with Finance》

作者:《Flirting with Finance》书籍






Can finance can be fun? Can investing can be sexy? Yes Samantha Davis learns about finance the hard way. After losing her handsome bond trading boyfriend, and going into debt, she pulls herself together and makes a plan. Only to lose all sense of discipline on an exotic vacation with a handsome multi-millionaire to St. Barth's. Determined to uncover the true 'game' of finance, she learns what her gorgeous best friend, Morgan Sims describes as a 'different language'. As she's (and you are) learning about mutual funds, stock trading, real estate investments, cash management and more, love is knocking on the door, and she wants to look good when she answers. Samantha must walk the fine line between financial freedom, looking good and living great...

