Claudia and Gwen were born in Texas. At the age of ten Claudia's parents die suddenly and tragically. Both girls are whisked off to Germany to be raised by their father's ex-girlfriend, Flora Stambrugh. There, through no fault of Claudia's, Gwen is accidentally blinded which causes Claudia to be overprotective. In spite of everything Gwen goes on to become a talented pianist and Claudia strives to become a ballerina. Claudia has just decided to enroll in the finest dance school in Paris when Flora dies and the two girls are left to fend for themselves. Claudia's dream of becoming a dancer is shattered. Taking over the responsibility of raising Gwen, Claudia becomes a model and meets the love of her life. But death takes him from her. Claudia has a hard time coping with this death and turns to heroin. Under the influence, Claudia loses everything: money, respect, fame, health and the love of her sister. With the help of intervention, Claudia becomes clean and tries to earn back her sister's trust. Financially Claudia and Gwen have hit bottom when they discover that they have inherited their grandfather's estate. Both return to the States and decide to live at their grandfather's mansion. Claudia senses something strange about the place. She learns something strange about herself as well. She realizes that she is changing somehow. Things are happening that cannot be explained. Searching for clues, Claudia learns more about her family's history. Nightmares appear showing gruesome display of violent acts. What does all this have to do with Claudia? In time Claudia realizes what is wrong.
精彩摘录邱晴跟在姐姐与姐姐男朋友身后,一声不响,坐后座有坐后座的的好处,她是局外人,事不关己,做个旁观者。 天热,麦裕
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