The first day of summer foretells new beginnings for John Moore, a renowned, yet emotionally stalled artist, when he notices Mark Ormond, a guarded young poet, on Southern California's Will Rogers State Beach. After John cajoles him, Mark agrees to sit for a portrait he intends to present as an anniversary gift to his long-time lover, Edward Bloom. A famous actor away shooting a film, Edward's relationship with Mark is strained, but Mark hopes to force the issue with the painting. Over the course of the summer in Santa Monica Canyon, a deep friendship develops between Mark and John, challenged by the surprise revelation that they share an unhappy history. As events unfold, both men come to insights and resolutions about life, the value they place on their work in the arts, and lastly, their desire to reconnect and commit to life and to love. "Praise for the Novels of Gregory Hinton Cathedral City" "A splashy first novel . solid entertainment."-"Kirkus Reviews" "This wonderful book is as honest as it is heart-wrenching. The intertwining lives of these diverse and unforgettable characters remind us not of the ways we live apart, but the ways we live together."-Greg Sarris, author of "Grand Avenue" and "Watermelon Nights" "Hinton has an interesting sense of how people of different races, classes, ages, and ethnicities all mix in a diverse little desert town . Flashes of insight . sharp dialogue . nice descriptive touches."-"The Washington Post Book World" "Poignant and evocative."-"Booklist" "Desperate Hearts" "Hinton's enthusiasm and compassion for his characters comes through in every scene."-"Publisher's Weekly" "A great summertime read."-"Booklist""The Way Things Ought to Be" "A sexy, '70s coming-of-age story."-"The Advocate" "Hinton's sweet, unaffected tone should appeal to many; indeed, at its best it recalls Tom Spanbauer's "In the City of Shy Hunters" and even the inquiry and innocence of "Huck Finn."-Booklist" The first day of summer foretells new beginnings for John Moore, a renowned, yet emotionally stalled artist, when he notices Mark Ormond, a guarded young poet, on Southern California's Will Rogers State Beach. After John cajoles him, Mark agrees to sit for a portrait he intends to present as an anniversary gift to his long-time lover, Edward Bloom. A famous actor away shooting a film, Edward's relationship with Mark is strained, but Mark hopes to force the issue with the painting. Over the course of the summer in Santa Monica Canyon, a deep friendship develops between Mark and John, challenged by the surprise revelation that they share an unhappy history. As events unfold, both men come to insights and resolutions about life, the value they place on their work in the arts, and lastly, their desire to reconnect and commit to life and to love.
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