When Tim Allison decided to try out for the Kansas City Blue Sox he had no idea of pursuing a professional baseball career--but here he was--trying to move up in the Blue Sox organization. The first year of professional baseball had gone by quickly. The year with the Springfield Kings had been a year of discovery. A year in which Tim discovered his love for baseball was greater than he had ever imagined; discovered a wonderful girl; had fallen in love; and had found that the world is not always kind and understanding. With all negative thoughts of his first year in baseball behind him, Tim was looking forward to the new year, a new team, and further adventures in the world of professional sports. He was apprehensive, but filled with excitement as he looked forward to moving up to Little Rock to play for the Blue Sox AA farm team. How many of the other guys had been promoted? Where would Larry Phelps and Big Tony Meeker play this year? Would they still be in Springfield, or would they be assigned to Little Rock or Topeka? And what had become of Randy Ford and Burr Swann? And what about Linda--where do we go from here? All these questions and more will be answered in this sequel to the first Tim Allison Baseball Story, "Tim's Big Decision." "Batting Third" is filled with baseball action, romance, mystery, intrigue, and an emphasis upon Christian values as we follow Tim through another exciting year of professional baseball.
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