Donald Mitchell《The 2,000 Percent Squared Solution》

Donald Mitchell《The 2,000 Percent Squared Solution》

作者:Donald Mitchell






Add 20 times more revenues or beneficiaries at 96 percent less cost. "The 2,000 Percent Squared Solution is a brilliant distillation of essential management principles that everyone, and I mean everyone, can use to drive dramatic acceleration of performance. It's packed with great stories that make the principles easy to understand, embrace, and apply. Whether you're a leader in a big, small, for-profit, or not-for-profit organization, you need this book." Rosabeth Moss Kanter -- Harvard Business School, best-selling author of Confidence: How Winning Streaks & Losing Streaks Begin & End "If you want greater profits and more efficiency, read this book. I found many breakthrough concepts for growing and streamlining all of our companies in this book. It made me aware of a lot of things we were not addressing and we are now." Jack Canfield -- Co-author of The Success Principles , and Co-creator, Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur's Soul(R)

