This book is not a conventional introduction to the philosophy of mind, nor is it a contribution to the physicalist/ dualist debate. Instead The Representational Theory of Mind demonstrates that we can construct physicalist theories of important aspects of our mental life. Its aim is to explain and defend a physicalist theory of intelligence in two parts: the first six chapters consist of an exposition, elaboration and defence of human sentience (the functionalist theory of mind), and the second part considers rivals and objections to this theory. Kim Sterelny aims to introduce people to this area of philosophy be exemplifying it, to show that philosophical and empirical investigations can be synthesized to the benefit of both. It is both introduction and argument, explanation and manifesto and succeeds in bridging the widening gap between student primer and contemporary research. Technical vocabulary is explained (and defined in a glossary) while the leading edge of current debates is confronted and assessed. This book has been written for people working in philosophy, psychology and the cognitive sciences.
韩明向内科临证精华 本书特色 张念志编著的《韩明向内科临证精华》包括了对肺气虚证的认识、论治慢性阻塞性肺疾病重在虚、瘀、从气、痰论治慢性支气管炎、论治支气管哮喘...
2013-贺银成考研西医综合辅导讲义同步练习 本书特色 贺银成编写的《贺银成考研西医综合辅导讲义同步练习(2013银成教育全国辅导机构指定用书)》是一本西医综合...
中国灾害通史·清代卷 本书特色 《中国灾害通史》起自先秦,迄于清代末年,共分八卷——先秦卷、秦汉卷、魏晋南北朝卷、隋唐五代卷、宋代卷灾、虫灾、雪冻等灾害的具体情...
简・古多尔(Jane Goodall),生于伦敦。自幼即对动物行为极感兴趣。18岁离开学校,到赴非洲为止,她曾先后担任过秘书以及影片制作助理。此后,她在非洲担任...
Book DescriptionWith Experience Design, Nathan Shedroff has designed and written...
艾森·拉塞尔(Ethan M. Rasiel)曾任麦肯锡公司咨询顾问,其客户包括金融、电信、计算机和消费品领域的众多知名公司。在加入麦肯锡之前,这位宾夕法尼亚大...
经络调理与眼保健 本书特色 《经络调理与眼保健》由钟海明主编,编写由浅人深,较为通俗易懂,是便于自学的科普性教材。其内容从眼科基础、中医藏象学、经络学等基础知识...
作品目录目 录绪论...... (1)第一章中国无政府主义思想来源于欧洲 ............... (10)一、无政府主义思想在欧洲的产生 (10)(一
清華大學教授、中州技術學院客座教授。自從 1987 年開發電影史以來,即以嚴謹的史學與熱情的生命力,研究台灣電影史,並為國內持續出版一系列台灣電影史著作的第一人...
The Czech photographer Josef Koudelka was centre stage with his camera when the ...
如何设计引人注目、令人喜爱的应用程序?本书阐述了多种方法,包括整个过程中来自潜在客户和顾客的有价值意见。作者Travis Lowdermilk通过实用的指导方针...