Personal Identity brings together the most important readings on personal identity theory in a collection ideal for students, philosophers, and all other interested readers. The volume begins with a detailed introductory historical essay by the editors, which traces the evolution of personal identity theory in the West from classical Greece to the twentieth century. It also describes how, in the early 1970s, philosophers shifted their attention from the 'internal relations' view of personal identity to an 'external relations' view that explores, among other considerations, what matters in survival.The essays that follow are delineated by this twentieth-century philosophical shift. The first section features seminal papers by such luminaries as Bernard Williams, Derek Parfit, Robert Nozick, and David Lewis. These are the very scholars that were involved in initiating the revolution in personal identity theory. The second section features papers by Christine Korsgaard, Peter Unger, Ernest Sosa, Raymond Martin, Marya Schechtman, Mark Johnston, and Derek Parfit that focus primarily on the new question of survival. Finally, a recent paper on animalism by Eric Olson and one on the self by Galen Strawson indicate new directions in which further discussion might continue.
肯尼斯·斯坦利(Kenneth Stanley),全球创新思维和前沿科技领域的代表性专家、人工智能科学家,OpenAI 研究员。曾任中佛罗里达大学教授,深耕机器...
To understand the dramatic collapse of the socialist order and the current turmo...
From Publishers WeeklyStarred Review. The originality of Rothfusss outstanding d...
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威廉·拜纳姆(William Bynum):英国伦敦大学学院医学史名誉教授,专攻疟疾史和进化论对医学的影响,著有《伟大的医学发现》(2011)和《科学史词典》(...
小漱千枝从事手作编织已有45年。曾在罗马留学两年,研究织片的样式和图案。在南青山的工坊开设“Hand-knit KOSE”教室,为日本编织协会理事。
Java Web开发是目前最流行、使用最广泛的网站开发技术。《跟我学Java Web》通过对Java Web开发中所运用到的各种技术循序渐进地进行讲解,使读者能...
托马斯•昭特纳(Thomas Sautner)奥地利作家、画家。1970年出生于奥地利的格明特市(Gmünd)。大学时期攻读政治学、传播学、当代历史。毕业后曾任...
经济犯罪调查 内容简介 本书主要内容包括:经济犯罪概述、经济犯罪调查概论、经济犯罪的调查立案、经济犯罪案件的起诉、经济犯罪案件的审判、走私犯罪案件调查等。经济犯...
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戴克成(Christian Deydier),法国著名收藏家,自20世纪80年代起,他就是西方研究中国考古学、青铜器、金银器方面最资深的专家之一,其青铜器收藏甚...
Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) was an Irish writer, poet, and playwright. His novel, Th...