作者:Jonathan Mann|Daniel J·M·Tarantola|Thomas W·Netter
The impact of the AIDS pandemic on health systems and entire societies in the 1990s will be much more severe than it was in the 1980s; up-to-date information about the disease is now crucial. Yet even though readers are deluged by technical publications and popularizations, no single book tracks, on an annual basis, the evolution of the pandemic, its effects, and the worldwide response. To fill this gap, Jonathan Mann, founding director of the World Health Organization's Global Program on AIDS and currently director of the International AIDS Center at Harvard University, has assembled a team of experts. "AIDS in the world" synthesizes the best possible information, data, and thinking about AIDS into one volume. This book provides a guide to rekindling the worldwide assault on AIDS. To ensure that AIDS and HIV prevalence; mortality rates; links between other infections and HIV; breakthroughs in biomedical, clinical, and behavioural areas; prevention and care; legislation and human rights issues; and economic and demographic aspects. "AIDS in the World 1992" provides a global assessment for where we are now and where we are headed; it spotlights critical issues and highlights communities and countries that may be especially vulnerable to the dissemination of HIV. Publication scheduled before the VIIIth International Conference on AIDS in July 1992, this work should be useful to governments, policymakers, scientists, health care workers, and journalists around the world who will rely on this book to make the crucial decisions of this decade and the next.
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