Lucretius' "On the Nature of Things", one of the glories of Latin literature, provides a vivid poetic exposition of the doctrines of the Greek atomist, Epicurus. The poem played a crucial role in the reinvention of science in the seventeenth century, its influence on the French Enlightenment was powerful and pervasive, and it became a major battlefield in the wars of religion with science in nineteenth-century England. But in the twentieth century, despite its vital contributions to modern thought and civilisation, it has been largely neglected by common readers and scientists alike. This book offers an extensive description of the poem, with special emphasis on its cheerful version of materialism and on its attempt to devise an ethical system that suits such a universe. It surveys major relevant texts form the eighteenth and ninetheenth centuries (Dryden, Diderot, Voltaire, Tennyson, Santayana) and speculates on why Lucretius and the ancient scientific tradition he championed has become marginalised in the twentieth century. It closes with a discussion of what value the poem has for students of science and technology in the new century: what advice it has to offer us about how to go about reinventing our machines and our morality.
☆ 翻开《大地飞鹰》,跟随古龙闯荡异域江湖!☆ 每个人都有逃避别人的时候,可是永远都没有一个人能逃避自己。☆ 《大地飞鹰》中登场的经典人物:小方、卜鹰、班察巴那...
作者简介娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩(Ursula K. Le Guin, 1929- ) 美國重要奇幻、科幻、女性主義作家。著有小說二十餘部,以及詩集、散
提摩太·凯勒 (Timothy Keller ), 美国神学家、护教学家,纽约救赎主长老教会牧师。其著作《为何是他》和《一掷千金 的上帝》荣登《纽约时报》畅销书...
以赛亚·伯林(Sir Isaiah Berlin,1909—1997)英国哲学家、观念史学家、20世纪著名自由主义知识分子。生于俄国犹太家庭,童年目睹俄国革命,...
Generally regarded as the definitive work on totalitarianism, this book is an es...
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