Isaiah Berlin was one of the leading political thinkers of the twentieth century, and his work continues to attract admiration and debate. In Isaiah Berlin: Liberty, Pluralism and Liberalism, George Crowder provides both an accessible introduction to Berlina s ideas and an original contribution to political theory. Berlina s range of interests and learning was vast but united by a single overarching project: the uncovering of the conceptual roots of twentieth--century totalitarianism. He traces these through three levels of analysis: the distortion of the concept of freedom by thinkers such as Rousseau, Fichte, Hegel and Marx; the scientism of the Enlightenment and irrationalism of the Counter--Enlightenment and romanticism; and moral monism, the idea that all ethical questions can be answered by reference to a single moral law. Against monism, Berlin asserts the claims of value pluralism, which he aligns with a politics of liberal moderation. In this new assessment, Crowder argues that Berlina s critique of the modern enemies of liberty is exciting and powerful, but also that the coherence of his thought is threatened by a tension between its liberal and pluralist elements. Crowder goes on to suggest how that tension can be resolved by appeal to arguments that go beyond the case actually presented by Berlin but which remain within the spirit of his general outlook.
宫西达也(Tatsuya Miyanishi)1956年生于日本静冈县,毕业于日本大学艺术学部美术学科,从事人偶剧的舞台美术、平面设计工作后,开始绘本创作。他从...
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The first definitive monograph of color photographs by American street photograp...
异形流道换热面强化传热传质特性研究 内容简介 《异形流道换热面强化传热传质特性研究/学术专著》共8章,提出了异形流道换热面用于改善冷却介质在传统等截面流道内存在...
隈研吾日本当代著名建筑师。1954 年出生于日本神奈川县横滨市,1979 年毕业于东京大学建筑系,1990年成立自己的建筑师事务所。曾担任哥伦比亚大学客座研究员...
赫尔曼`西蒙教授(Hermann Simon)德国著名的管理学思想家,“隐形冠军”之父,是颇负盛名的世界级管理大师。现任西蒙顾和管理咨询公司(Simon-Kuc...
约翰·博伊特,私募基金经理,具有丰富的交易经验,曾任证券经纪人,并为《交易新闻》(Traders Press)的《股市周报》专栏撰稿。