Aiming to provide an understanding of fundamental science concepts, and to give a basic mechanical, thermal and electrical engineering systems background for student engineers, this text covers the GNVQ Engineering mandatory units "Science and Mathematics for Engineering" (intermediate) and "Science for Engineering" (advanced). However, it can be regarded as a basic textbook in engineering science for a much wider range of courses. The aims are to describe engineering systems in terms of basic scientific laws and principles, to investigate the behaviour of simple linear systems in engineering, to calculate the response of engineering systems to changes in variables, and to determine the response of engineering systems to changes in parameters. It is assumed that the reader has little previous knowledge of each topic that is considered and the emphasis is on "practicality and learning by example". Theory is introduced in each chapter by a reasonably brief outline of essential definitions, formulae, laws, and procedures. 500 worked problems, 325 multiple-choice questions (this being the form expected of students for National testing of their "Science for Engineering" units), and 400 short answer questions and 700 further questions with answers are included. The problems mirror practical situations found in science and engineering.
锦绣龙虾生物学和人工养殖技术研究 本书特色 龙虾是驰名世界的海产品,其营养丰富、口味鲜美、色泽鲜艳,有“虾中之王”,甚至“海中之王”的美称,在世界各地都被视为海...
实用抗肿瘤本草图谱与验方 本书特色 书稿分为上中下三篇。上篇讲述抗肿瘤中药的基础知识,介绍抗肿瘤中药研究进展、抗肿瘤中药作用机制。中篇介绍常用抗肿瘤中药300种...
每一笔填写,都是一次见证;每一次翻阅,都是一次爱的成长。100个爱的瞬间,让心靠得更近,助感情永恒!Caroline涵涵姐(赵涵)、鼹鼠的土豆真诚推荐!◆ 内容...
作者简介George Crowder is Professor in the College of Business, Government and Law, ...
作品目录东亚卷覆盖地区:中国(包括香港、澳门、台湾)、日本、朝鲜、韩国、蒙古。· · · · · ·
民法总则 内容简介 为了协助初学者能够对于私法的运用,了然于心,本书从绪论,第二章开始,详细的说明了在适用私法条文时的各种方法与原则、解析法条的模式,细说了法律...
中医四小经典-《医学三字经》 《濒湖脉学》 《药性歌括四百味》 《汤头歌诀》-大字版 本书特色 《中医四小经典大字版:<医学三字经><濒湖脉学><药性歌括四百味...
李秀玉 会计学博士,山东财经大学副教授,主持省部级课题4项,并参与国家、省部级课题多项,在《经济管理》《中国行政管理》等杂志发表多篇论文。阮希阳 股票价值投机者...
外科病中医外治法 内容简介 本书由山东中医药大学附属医院姜兆俊主编。内容包括基础篇和制剂篇两部分:基础篇介绍中医外科外治法理论基础、常用外用中药、中药外用制剂炮...
建筑生与灭:建筑物如何站起来 本书特色 作者 马里奥·萨瓦多里编辑本书,像是在讲述一些有关建筑的历史故事:从古至今一些伟大的建筑物,一座座是如何建造起来的,其中...
中国纺织出版社中国传统服饰文化系列中外鞋履文化 本书特色 伴鞋履文化历史悠久、博大精深、内涵丰厚,在中外服饰文化发展中可谓“举足轻重”。《中外鞋履文化》一书从中...
作品目录1 工作区简介 1.1 概述 1.2 工作区简介 1.3 使用面板 1.4 定制工作区 1.5 修改文档的缩放比例 1.6 导览文档 1.7