Leslie de Chernatony|L·De Chernatony|Leslie De《Creating Powerful Brands》

Leslie de Chernatony|L·De Chernatony|Leslie De《Creating Powerful Brands》

作者:Leslie de Chernatony|L·De Chernatony|Leslie De






The success of Creating Powerful Brands has led to the preparation of this fully revised and updated second edition which retains all the strengths of the original book enhanced by the latest examples and best practice.

The powerful and expert analysis of key elements of branding gives the reader:

* A comprehensive coverage of brand management

* An applications orientated approach grounded on solid theory

* A set of unique frameworks for organizing the principles of brand building

Students on MBA, BA and Professional Development courses as well as practitioners will find this an essential guide when developing more effective brand strategies.

Comprehensive coverage of brand management

Applications orientated, yet grounded on solid theory

Frameworks organizing the principles of brand building

