"Safety with Machinery" has been written by John Ridley and Dick Pearce, both recognized specialists in their particular fields of safeguarding machinery. It reflects their knowledge of the current standards on the subject and draws on their many years of experience in dealing with the practical aspects of ensuring machinery is safe when put to use. The need to protect workpeople from the dangers posed by machinery has long been recognized. Safeguarding of machines can range from simple fixed guards to the highly complex systems of monitored electronic controls. This book sets out to cover the whole field and endeavours to explain various techniques that can be used, from basic safety concepts to the philosophy of safety integrity levels. It deals extensively with the mechanical, electrical and electronic aspects of guarding and safeguarding systems. Reference is made to the requirements of the latest European and international standards and some of the ways in which conformity with them can be achieved are discussed. A section has been included on the safe use of specific types of machinery that have a known history of injury and damage, such as pressure systems and lifting equipment. Other chapters deal with ergonomics, safe working practices, plant layout and the working environments. An up-to-date list of European and international machinery safety standards is contained in an Appendix. It provides practical guidance on guarding techniques. It is an invaluable reference for engineers faced with the task of providing guards.
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