Culture, Psychotherapy, and Counseling: Critical and Integrative Perspectives takes a comprehensive approach to culture as it relates to psychological practice. By viewing psychotherapy and counseling as a science-based cultural enterprise, this book expands the understanding of culture in terms of the politics of identity, symbolic and practice meanings, moral ontology, and global realities. Editor Lisa Tsoi Hoshmand brings together a diverse group of contributing authors to present different accounts and case examples of their work as practitioners to illustrate the integration of the personal with the professional. A variety of theoretical and clinical issues are discussed, including psychological trauma, depression, chronic illness, and other problems presented by clients for whom a culturally informed practice is essential.Key Features: Offers an innovative and expanded conceptual framework for the integration of psychotherapeutic theory and practice Includes case studies to demonstrate the culturally constructed nature of practice Examines the social and moral implications of psychotherapy and counseling, including applying feminist and hermeneutic perspectives to the therapeutic enterprise Exposes readers to non-western and holistic perspectives, such as Buddhist and Hawaiian psychology, to provide a global context of culture and identity in the contemporary world Includes case studies to demonstrate the culturally constructed nature of practice Provides a critical personal framework to assess oneself and one's work within the inherited traditions of Western theory and practice Culture, Psychotherapy, and Counseling is an excellent textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses on counseling and psychotherapy focusing on culture in the fields of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, Social Work, and Psychiatry. It is also a valuable resource for psychotherapists, counseling practitioners, clinical social workers, psychiatrists, and other human service professionals
毛立平(1974— ),女,历史学博士,中国人民大学清史研究所副教授,研究领域为清代宫廷史、性别史。主要研究成果有:专著《清代嫁妆研究》;论文《金枝玉叶与收支困...
卡拉‧魯科特(Carla Lisbeth Rueckert)生於1943年伊利諾州的森湖市(Lake Forest)。她在肯塔基州的路易斯維爾市成長(Louis...
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腐植酸磷肥生产与应用 本书特色 本书在简述当前我国腐植酸肥料开发利用现状,磷肥工业现状和发展趋势的基础上,详细介绍了环保型腐植酸磷肥构建的化学原理,各种腐植酸磷...
作品目录作者说明 导论(《世界宗教的经济伦理》) / 儒教与道教 / 关于文献 / 第1章 社会学基础--A:城市、君侯与神 第2章