'The strength of this book is in the determined approach it takes to helping the reader learn the subject matter by the inclusion of explanations of key terms and exercises. If coupled with tutorial support, this will encourage students to work harder at the subject matter - always a challenge in what many students perceive as the least accessible and interesting part of psychology. It is well worth considering as a core methods text for undergraduates or for masters students new to psychology'- John Hegarty, "Times Higher Educational Supplement", Textbook Guide."Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology" is an accessible introduction to the principal research methods and statistical procedures that underpin psychological research. With a broad range of support materials and features it is the ideal textbook to accompany both a first and second year course. This book features an accompanying website - an interactive resource for both teachers and students including powerpoint slides of lecture notes, self-test multiple choice questions and answers for students as well as other on-line features.It includes coverage of the full research process in psychology from the ground up, addressing issues to do with research goals, problem definition and hypothesis, methodological choices and strategy and ethical controversies. It provides complete coverage of the key quantitative and qualitative methods now recognised in psychology. It also features a host of textbook which features including checklists of research evaluation and improvement, discussion questions and exercises; and annotated further reading at the end of every chapter. It includes appendices in the back of the textbook in conjunction with the accompanying website.It is a step-by-step guide to performing key statistical tests and a guide to writing up experiments and reports in psychology. "Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology" is a comprehensive and student-friendly introductory textbook that deals with psychological research issues in depth, but which places an emphasis on the conceptual and practical skills necessary to become a good researcher.
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