'This thought- provoking book should be required reading for all trainers, practitioners and supervisors. It examines the complex issues that arise when the clinician enters into a relationship with the client beyond the psychotherapeutic boundaries' - Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal A recent development in the profession is a consideration of the appropriate use of touch. This is looked at in some detail in this book with useful guidelines of the issues to be considered in deciding whether to touch a client or not. The issue of dual relationships with clients, trainees and supervisees affects most counsellors or psychotherapists at some point in their careers. Many practitioners are unclear about such boundary issues and how, when and if it is appropriate to enter into a dual relationship, whether as a friend, business partner or sexual partner. These relationships are seldom neutral and can have a powerful beneficial or detrimental impact on the person seeking help.Dual Relationships in Counselling & Psychotherapy examines the circumstances in which such relationships arise and provides guidelines on how to ethically manage, avoid or even to develop dual relationships. It also clearly defines the limits beyond which practitioners must not go. The book explores: the dangers of sexual relationships; non-sexual relationships (for example, requests for friendship, gift-giving and chance meetings outside the therapy room); and dual relationships which inevitably occur in small communities and minority groups. Exploring a subject which is often avoided and, for some, even taboo, Dual Relationships in Counselling & Psychotherapy is an invaluable source of advice for trainees and practitioners alike.
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