"Creativity and Perception in Management" is a textbook revealing the importance of creativity and innovation in today's organizations. The book provides students with the principles and practices entailed in the new form of management associated with creative and innovative organizations. It introduces the creative approaches in management, revealing the role and impact of cognition, intuition and perception. Jane Henry differentiates between a variety of personal styles and shows their implications for creativity, problem solving, communication, decision making and role preference. Students using this textbook will understand the impact of cultural values and certain historical habits of thought on management and organization, and identify the main ways in which management can enable organizations to be more sustainable and responsible. The text includes student activities, illustrative cartoons, boxed examples and recommended readings.It can be used alongside the "Readers Creative Management 2nd Edition" (Henry) and "Managing Innovation and Change 2nd Edition" (Henry and Mayle). "Creativity and Perception in Management" is a key course text on the Open University Business School's Creativity, Innovation and Change master's course.
作品目录序言导言第一章 学画素描图例说明第二章 线条图例说明第三章 光与块画图例说明第四章 体块图例说明第五章 位置 朝向或方
作品目录第1章 概述 11.1 GSM发展历史 11.1.1 GSM发展 11.1.2 GPRS发展 11.1.3 向3G演进之路 21.2 无线网络规划优化
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