"Qualitative Market Research" follows through a complete research project from the perspective of both user and practitioner. In this respect, it can be used as both a continuous teaching text and training manual, or individual sections may be consulted to enhance knowledge of 'best practices' and improve productivity in any specific research application. Section one begins with an overview of the history and philosophy behind the practice of qualitative research, using qualitative or quantitative approaches, organising qualitative research (particularly those in 'practice' such as research consultants), qualitative research applications (including product development, branding and advertising) and the varieties of qualitative research methods.Section two looks at the management of qualitative research and discusses project management, planning and budgeting issues. Section three looks at group moderation and interviewing techniques, and section four addresses the whole area of collecting and analysing qualitative data, including discussion of computer-assisted software methods, as well as research reporting. This book meets the needs of several audiences by creating some common ground in the applied practice of qualitative research. It should consequently be invaluable reading to a wide readership, from social research methods students (particularly those in sociology, business, psychology, education, marketing and market research) to worldwide practitioners of qualitative research, both clients and consultants.'Dr Hy Mariampolski's massive and exemplary guide is just that. It is the ultimate training guide, mixing scholastic rigour with a very readable style, geared to serve as an encyclopaedic reference...The four sections on understanding qualitative research; managing qualitative research; group moderation and interviewing techniques; and analysis reporting and internal communication are packed with learning, practical advice, specific ways to achieve objectives, organisational tips and a lot of good sense...It's all there and I wish that I'd had this book to draw on when I first set up my shingle as a qualitative researcher' - Association of Qualitative Research.
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