作者:Jason Riggle|Alan C·L·Yu|John A·Goldsmith
The Handbook of Phonological Theory, Second Edition, is an innovative and detailed examination of recent developments in phonology. Revised from the ground up, the book is comprised almost entirely of newly-written and previously unpublished chapters. Offers new and unique contributions reflecting the advances in phonological theory since publication of the first edition in 1995 Addresses the important questions in the field including learnability, phonological interfaces, tone, and variation, and assesses the findings and accomplishments in these domains Features contributions by an international team of leading phonologists Along with the first edition, currently available in paperback, forms the most complete and current look at the subject in print
List of Contributors vii
Preface ix
1 Rules v. Constraints 1
David Odden
2 Opacity and Ordering 40
Eric Bakovic´
3 The Interaction Between Morphology and Phonology 68
Sharon Inkelas
4 Quantity 103
Stuart Davis
5 Stress Systems 141
Matthew Gordon
6 The Syllable 164
John Goldsmith
7 Tone: Is it Different? 197
Larry M. Hyman
8 Harmony Systems 240
Sharon Rose and Rachel Walker
9 Contrast Reduction 291
Alan C. L. Yu
10 Diachronic Explanations of Sound Patterns 319
Gunnar Ólafur Hansson
11 Phonetics in Phonology 348
D. R. Ladd
12 Corpora and Exemplars in Phonology 374
Mirjam Ernestus and R. Harald Baayen
13 The Place of Variation in Phonological Theory 401
Andries W. Coetzee and Joe Pater
14 The Syntax-Phonology Interface 435
Elisabeth Selkirk
15 Intonation 485
Mary E. Beckman and Jennifer J. Venditti
16 Dependency-based Phonologies 533
Harry van der Hulst
17 The Acquisition of Phonology 571
Katherine Demuth
18 Phonology as Computation 596
John Coleman
19 Using Psychological Realism to Advance Phonological Theory 631
Matthew Goldrick
20 Learning and Learnability in Phonology 661
Adam Albright and Bruce Hayes
21 Sign Language Phonology 691
Diane Brentari
22 Language Games 722
Bert Vaux
23 Loanword Adaptation: From Lessons Learned to Findings 751
Carole Paradis and Darlene LaCharité
References 779
Index 914
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