The central work of one of the West's greatest philosophers, The Republic of Plato is a masterpiece of insight and feeling, the finest of the Socratic dialogues, and one of the great books of Western culture. Now Robin Waterfield offers a new translation of The Republic, one that captures thedramatic realism, poetic beauty, intellectual vitality, and emotional power of Plato at his height. Deftly weaving three main strands of argument into an artistic whole--the ethical and political, the aesthetic and mystical, and the metaphysical--Plato explores in The Republic the elements of the ideal community, where morality can be achieved in a balance of wisdom, courage, and restraint. Butof course the dialogue is as much about our internal life as about social morality, for these vital elements must likewise work together to create harmonious human beings. Equally important, Plato achieves more than a philosophical dialogue of lasting fame and importance: The Republic is a literarymasterpiece as well, presenting the philosophy with poetic power, with strikingly memorable images (the simile of the cave being the best known of Plato's unforgettable images of the human condition), carrying the reader along by the wit and intensity of the language. BOX "Waterfield's is certainly the best translation of the Republic available. It is accurate and informed by deep philosophical understanding of the text; unlike other translations it combines these virtues with an impressive ability to render Plato into English that is an varied and expressive as isPlato's Greek." --Julia Annas
费尔南多·萨瓦特尔, 西班牙马德里中央大学哲学教授,著名哲学家。欧洲著名公共知识分子之一。主要作品有《尼采的思想》《伦理与政治》《教育的价值》等,其中最有名的为...
《Spring Boot企业级项目开发实战》内容简介:本书内容翔实,示例丰富,适合基础较为薄弱的Spring Boot项目开发人员阅读,也适合Sp
作者/[美]海因茨•R.帕格尔斯(Heinz R.Pagels)美国著名物理学家兼科学作家。曾任洛克菲勒大学副教授、纽约科学院执行董事兼执行长。除了科学家的身份...
作品目录总序 觉醒译者的话 宋立道原作者前言 A.伯立戴尔・凯思第一编巴利文经典中的佛教第一章佛陀的身份及其学说第一节问题和