'This is a topical and well crafted textbook and will be an important resource for students of urban regeneration' - Dr Mike Raco, King's College London. 'Jones and Evans (as they will surely soon be known) have written a textbook that will become ubiquitous in the bibliographies of future scholars of UK urban regeneration: a comprehensive introduction to the subject with plenty of leads to future research. Briskly written, the book covers policy, governance, competition, sustainability, design and cultural aspects of regeneration...The book is a timely introduction to the maze of urban regeneration for students and a useful aide memoire for people who have worked in, for, with, or against urban regeneration in the United Kingdom. Useful as a handbook, a guidebook or a cheatbook, it will undoubtedly find a home on shelves around the country'- Matthew Hardy, Secretary, INTBAU.The urban landscape of the UK is undergoing its most dramatic transformation since post-war reconstruction. This volume is a systematic guide to that transformation that draws together a mass of information - from policy reports to academic studies - into a single coherent text. Examining key aspects of the process from first principles, "Urban Regeneration in the UK": introduces and contextualises the UK urban regeneration agenda; brings together state-of-the-art research around key themes in governance, sustainability, competition, and design; uses case studies of UK contemporary regeneration projects; combines academic and theoretical explorations whilst linking theory and practice; and, includes pedagogical features of key learning points, useful websites, a glossary and further reading.Aimed at those studying and working in the field of urban regeneration and planning, "Urban Regeneration in the UK" provides a highly readable introduction to urban regeneration for undergraduates, post-graduates, and practitioners.
Chauncey Wilson,Autodesk公司用户研究高级经理,Bentley学院HFID(人因整合分部)研究生课程的教师:有着超过25年的可用性工程、可...
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痰派中医 本书特色 改革开放以来,随着经济和科技的飞速发展,许多发明极大地改变了人们的生活。这些改变在使生活变得更便捷的同时,也带来了新的致病因素。痰是外因和内...
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吉井忍,日籍华语作家,现旅居北京。毕业于日本国际基督教大学国际关系专业。曾在成都留学,法国南部务农, 辗转台北、马尼拉、上海等地任经济新闻编辑。现专职写作,致力...
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