These thirteen stories by Ray Schweitzer will give you hours of enjoyment, lasting haunting memories and nightmares They will keep you turning pages to the astonishing endings. It is a collection of realistic adventure having a tragedienne in common. Each story delivers a lure of the unknown.challenge of the unexpected.thrill of the unseen. There are no fantasizes, science fiction, nor fairy-tale worlds. Read about escapades that may not have occurred -- YET ...Stories that might have happened .But every saga could possibly materialize. If you want fiction to fit the incredible facts of today, then read these short stories. ... Included are: 'Pursued ": a riveting vignette about not just the dangers of a stalking erotomaniac. 'That'll Teach You ": an enthralling diurnal story of a jilted lover's misplaced revenge. 'Poor Groom": a remarkable saga of exactly when a honeymoon is over. A 'Woman's Prerogative": a tale of a woman's physical and mental violations and her personal solution. 'The Ills of Summer": an emotional memory captivating a chronicle of traumatic experiences on a honeymoon. 'Elmira's Excursions": a fascinating story of individuals taking advantage of another's disabilities. Phew : a humorous change of pace about an obsessive-compulsive woman who's reputation is flawed by her personal hygiene. 'Miss Violet": about a brief encounter with a town's benefactor --a terminal story. 'Reunion": a traditional class reunion experience proving the old adage 'you can't go home again'. 'Not Me ": an atypical modern day identity thief entanglement. 'When the Fat Lady Sings": is a captivating story of two people demonstrating life has no guarantees. 'Moment of Terror": a spellbindingaccount of a serial killer. 'The Prediction": is the final story of fate, premonition, and predestination.
作品目录第一章 走进孩子的心灵孩子不需要我们“教”孩子画画让我们教吗? / 成人的“教”只会给孩子锁上一个框框。 / 我们不教
五百病症针灸辨证论治验方 内容简介 本书是对历代针灸医家治疗各种疾病经验的再总结。本书由著名针灸专家张文进先生等编著,收录各种病症548种,均集资分述其病因病机...
作品目录1 引言1.1 数学优化1.2 最小二乘和线性规划1.3 凸优化1.4 非线性优化1.5 本书主要内容1.6 符号参考文献I 理论2 凸集2.1
★日本第67届江户川乱步奖获奖作品★中国武侠小说×日本本格推理 ,日本作家笔下的中国风武侠推理★孤岛密室·特殊设定系推理的复古式逆袭之作★破解武林中人离奇死亡的...
单相电动机修理(电动机修理技术丛书) 内容简介 本书专述单相电动机修理,并在书中首次介绍单相变极调速电动机绕组的构成原理和布接线示例。全书共八章,内容主要包括单...