The Obsidian Gene treats its readers to an intense storyline featuring the most horrendous type of predatoraa pedophile who kills to protect his secrets. Ronald Brasher is drawn from the thousands of wealthy American men who now travel to foreign countries where they can safely subject helpless street children to their appalling perversions. After murdering his parents for their winning lottery ticket, he travels into Mexico in his palatial RV, where he enlists the aid of a remarkable young boy from the streets to help him find homeless girls who fit his special desires. Meanwhile, his sister, Samantha, has figured out intuitively and without proof that he is responsible for the murders. When Ronald returns to San Antonio to silence her, he sends the unsuspecting children to do his killing for him. Samanthaas lover, Cliff, an undercover ATF agent who is preparing to testify at an upcoming trial, gets caught in the middle of the crossfire. FBI and ATF agents protectively surround their witness in the mistaken assumption that attempts made on Samanthaas life are in actuality against their man. That leaves the way clear for Ronald Brasher to hunt down his sister so that he can destroy all connections to him for their parentsa murders. Two San Antonio homicide detectives come to Samanthaas aid. But are they too late?
建筑生与灭:建筑物如何站起来 本书特色 作者 马里奥·萨瓦多里编辑本书,像是在讲述一些有关建筑的历史故事:从古至今一些伟大的建筑物,一座座是如何建造起来的,其中...
注重脉诊 贯穿针灸全过程-张沛霖学术思想与临床经验集 本书特色 张沛霖教授为全国**批老中医药专家学术经验 继承工作指导老师,他精读《内经》《难经》,推崇 《伤...
内分泌科精要 内容简介 生物体为了适应外环境的变化,保持内环境的稳定,以维持生命活动正常进行,要依靠神经系统和内分泌系统来联系细胞间和器官间的功能。神经系统依靠...
★15岁蜚声海内外的京都天才少女 &师承铃木松年、幸野梅岭、竹内栖凤等大师日本画坛空前绝后的画家、美人画的最高峰 、祖孙三代画家——上村松园 随笔集典藏本★学者...
What’s the harm in a pseudonym? New York Times bestselling sensation Juniper Son...
剖面重构-功能.空间与形式 本书特色 本书的写作过程就是把建筑的剖面进行剖析,目的在于发现其背后所隐藏的那些深层的信息,如规律、空间、场所等,全书包括剖面、剖切...
瑞士平面设计先驱约瑟夫·米勒–布罗克曼 (Josef Müller-Brockmann) (1914.5.9 - 1996.8.30) 是瑞士的一位平面设计师和...